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Key Ways Expecting Families Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care

King Chiropractic
Key Ways Expecting Families Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Curious about the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy? Looking for pregnancy chiropractic care in Austin, Texas? You’re not alone. Here’s what you need to know

Bottom Line:

The body of a woman changes significantly both during and after pregnancy.

Some of these changes are obvious, like a growing belly and morning sickness episodes, while others are less well known.

In fact, certain typical physiological changes can surprise expectant women.

Why it Matters:

Let's start with the fundamentals before delving into those adjustments.

The hormone relaxin is generated throughout a woman's pregnancy to aid in loosening the ligaments and joints of the pelvis to prepare the body for delivery.

The ligaments in and around the pelvis are relaxed (thus the name), but other joints and ligaments throughout the body are also affected by relaxation.

While all this is happening, a baby is growing and developing, pushing the pregnant woman's center of gravity forward.

Therefore, a woman's biomechanics, balance, and posture are constantly changing throughout and after pregnancy. These changes can put a lot of stress on the low back's supporting tissues and muscles.

Let's review.

  • A hormone called relaxin is created during pregnancy to loosen up the pelvic joints and ligaments in preparation for delivery.

  • Additionally, relaxin "loosens" the body's other joints and ligaments, which may alter a woman's typical movement patterns.

  • Low back pain and other joint aches can frequently result from these altered movement patterns during pregnancy and later.

Be aware of this if pregnancy plays any role in your life. The risk of injury and the likelihood of experiencing chronic back pain can both be decreased by taking measures to prevent and cure back pain.

That's where we come in. 

Our entire team is here for you, and chiropractic care is a secure and all-natural alternative for treating back pain before, during, and after pregnancy.

Next Steps: 

A woman's pregnancy is a unique physical and emotional experience for her.

The alterations that aid in a successful birth might have a disastrous effect on the mother's back and joints.

Therefore, if you or someone you know is looking for natural and non-invasive pregnant chiropractic care in Austin, Texas and having backaches and pains related to pregnancy, give us a call.

We'd be happy to assist you if you're interested in learning more about chiropractic treatment's advantages during pregnancy.

Additionally, we are delighted to collaborate with your expectant family's delivery team to deliver the safest and most efficient care possible to keep everyone well and active for the duration of all three trimesters and beyond!

Science Source: 

Back Pain in Pregnancy. University of Rochester Medical Center. 2022.

King Chiropractic
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