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This is what you should know about Depositphotos

This is what you should know about Depositphotos

A Florida-based RF microstock photo company called Depositphotos. Its image library includes 224 million high-resolution photographs, vectors, movies, and drawings. It's the best stock picture source for writers and small firms because it has fantastic e-commerce stock images.

A stock content website called Depositphotos Inc. was established in 2009. It now offers users files for editorial and commercial usage. Photos, graphics, drawings, music, SFX files, and videos are among the types of files.

Our collection had more than 230 million files at the start of 2022, and it was still expanding. For instance, the library receives around 80 Thousand new files every day. This is what distinguishes Depositphotos as one of the largest stock image marketplaces worldwide.

The platform allows millions of skilled content creators from across the world to make a living from their creations while providing customers with superior, royalty-free stuff. By 2022, there were more than 90,000 users in the Depositphotos group, and their profiles attracted approximately 30 million users.

Who benefits most from Depositphotos?

The optimum usage of Depositphotos is for more affordable membership packages. The pricing per image for the 25 monthly downloading memberships is $0.83, compared to $1.98 for Shutterstock's 2x higher subscription service. Consequently, for 25 and 75 monthly access memberships, we advise switching to Depositphotos rather than Shutterstock.

Depositphotos performs marginally lower than Adobe Stock and Shutterstock in terms of larger memberships, on-demand packages overall, and prolonged licensing. The lack of a free trial and the same charges for the reduced photo library are the key causes of this.

Video backdrop removal is a service that Depositphotos has developed

Users of Depositphotos can currently modify videos on the website. You must submit the file to the tool's page and then wait a short while for the backdrop to be removed from the movie. Next, open the data to your phone that you just received. When films are captured on a white screen or any other screen, the tool automatically detects the background and renders it transparent.

All object kinds, including people, objects, animals, and graphics, are supported by the tool. The designers advise selecting pictures and movies with clearly defined items in the foreground if you want the best results.

Both private and professional usage of the tool is acceptable

You can modify your photographic content in addition to files you've acquired from Depositphotos. Videos in the AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, and MPEG types with a maximum runtime of 1 min and maximum file size of 2 GB are appropriate for it as well. The MP4 file can be downloaded when the background has been removed. After seven days, all processed files are automatically erased.

You can submit prepared photographs or films that are about medium size using the tool's lite option. Transparent HD files can only be obtained if you choose a backdrop reduction plan.

A complimentary and strikingly comparable automatic image background removal tool was recently added to Depositphotos.

The tool's neural network-based technology identifies the backdrop to be automatically removed after processing the image and processing the data. It took around 6 months to finish the job.

An international content marketplace called Depositphotos has a database of more than 230 million stock images, videos, graphics, and audio clips. The 100,000 professionals that make up the Depositphotos community collaborate on projects that aid clients from 192 different nations in visualizing their thoughts. The company has offices in Limassol, Milan, and New York in addition to its New York headquarters.

How about an amazing image-searching tool?

DepositPhotos has been improving the search engine over recent years. It may now be searched using filters and keywords thanks to advancements in technology. The algorithm for reverse image search's image identification is another intriguing feature.

Using a genre or provider as a filter will narrow down the search outcomes. Additionally, it can eliminate keywords and select images based on their size, accuracy, orientation, population size, and color. About the reverse image search, users can upload a picture and look for a related licensed stock image.

The most common and pertinent types of styles and themes are divided up into categories in the DepositPhotos library. Each image has the proper keywords attached. Sorting options for search results include the best fit, newest, most popular, licensing status, and file type.

Do you wanna pass their exam to sell your images or files?

Before uploading and monetizing their works, content creators must pass a test. Before being approved for sale, the candidate's works (pictures, vectors, or films) are evaluated for quality criteria and potential commercial value.

The contributor must have completed the exam and be at least 18 years old, and they must have the required documentation to upload and sell files and the contents included inside them.

The amount of royalties authors receive from each credit sale on DepositPhotos varies depending on their position and level. The amount of royalties authors receive from each credit sale on DepositPhotos varies depending on their position and level.

Does Depositphotos offer an app?

Yes!! Stock photography is only one of the many uses for which mobile applications have been developed. Direct file searching, saving, and downloading from your iPad or smartphone are all made possible by the DepositPhotos app.

One of the key components of the mobile app is that will facilitate efficient file searching and downloading.

Highlights include a user-friendly design, a handy download manager, and the option to browse libraries of cost-free stock pictures.

The file search will be faster and more effective by using category, orientation, and color search filters. Click "Find" after entering keywords in the search box. On the right of the search bar, a symbol for advanced search will show up. Select the appropriate search options by clicking on them.


It is undoubtedly inexpensive. They have expanded significantly during the past four years. By offering photographs for cheap and making money from bulk sales and high membership registration rates, they are attempting to appeal to a wide audience.

They do an excellent job as a stock photo agency, give thorough information, and collaborate with their clients and contributors to improve their website.

In conclusion, Depositphotos provides a worthy service at a reasonable cost. The quality of their images, graphics, and videos is excellent. Consider Depositphotos if you need a photo or want to submit your work to a stock photo agency, whether you need a photo or want to submit your work.

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