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5 Tips For Better Commercial Garden Maintenance

5 Tips For Better Commercial Garden Maintenance

From weeding to watering, you need plenty of things to keep your commercial garden looking great. But with so many plants and flowers, it can be easy to lose track of what needs to be done and when. Here are five tips for better commercial garden maintenance.

1) Plant the Right Type of Plant:

The best way to maintain a commercial garden is to plant the correct type of plant. Here are some tips for choosing the right plants:

-Choose plants that can handle your climate. For example, choose plants that can tolerate high temperatures if you live in a hot environment. Check the plant’s planting instructions to see which soil preparation is required.

For example, some hardy plants are tolerant of wind and salt.

Make sure the plants you choose have good height growth potential. This will help you avoid frequently getting down on your knees to water or feed them.

2) Prune and Cut Back:

If you want to keep your commercial garden in better shape, you can do a few things to help. One of the most important things you can do is to prune and cut back your plants regularly.

This will help them grow more evenly and prevent them from becoming overgrown or unsightly. Additionally, if you see any signs of pests or disease, take appropriate action immediately to avoid damage.

Accepting these simple steps, you can keep your garden looking great and running smoothly!

3) Mulch and Fertilize:

Commercial gardeners have to take care of their plants in different ways that don’t involve soil. One way to help keep plants healthy is to mulch them and fertilize them. Here are some tips for doing both:

Mulch: Mulching helps keep the soil warm, which is essential for plant growth. It also helps to conserve moisture and reduces the need for watering. Use a layer of wood chips, bark, or other organic material for the best results. If the material is smooth and not too thick, it will easily wind through the soil and break down into mulch over time.

Fertilize: Plants need nutrients to grow, and fertilizer can help provide those nutrients. Check the label on your fertilizer before using it; some formulations are specifically designed for commercial gardens. Apply fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season or as directed on the label.

4) Water Properly:

Maintaining a commercial garden can result in increased yields and less wear on equipment. Here are some tips to help make your garden run smoother:

Water thoroughly — A dry garden will suffer from poor plant growth, while an over-watered garden will cause excessive water runoff and damage to your property. Aim to water your plants once daily, allowing the excess water to drain freely before watering again.

Maintain pH levels: A naturally acidic soil is necessary for many plants, but over-pumping can create an unstable environment that inhibits plant growth. Keep your soil balanced by adding organic matter (such as manure) and mixing it into the top 6 inches of the earth every few months.

Fertilize selectively — While fertilizing regularly is essential for maintaining healthy plants, don’t apply too much fertilizer at one time — this can burn roots and cause undesirable side effects like yellowing leaves or stunted growth.

Apply fertilizer according to the instructions on the package, focusing on feeding younger plants first and then gradually working up to older plants.

Remove debris regularly: Cleaning up around your plants helps keep soil moisture high and promotes healthier plant growth. Snip off infected leaves, remove fallen branches, and sweep up any leaf litter daily.

5) Keep an Eye on Pests and Diseases:

When it comes to keeping your commercial garden healthy, you can do a few things to ensure pests and diseases don’t take over. Here are some tips:

Regularly check plants for pests and diseases. If you see something strange or out of the ordinary, contact your local nursery or extension agent to get advice on what to do.

Keep an eye on weeds and other invasive species. If they become a problem, take measures like herbicide applications or hand-weeding to remove them before they can take over your garden.

Water plants in moderation — especially in dry months. Over-watering can lead to fungus issues and root rot, which can ruin your plants. Aim for regular but light watering instead.

Mulch around plants will help conserve moisture and keep soil temperatures cool in hot climates.

Fertilize according to plant needs — consult your local garden center or home improvement store for recommendations specific to your type of plant.

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