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Best franchise opportunities in India for Kulhar Chai

Best franchise opportunities in India for Kulhar Chai

On the franchise model, we are working. Through retail locations, we provide franchise opportunities throughout India and on the global market as well. Every tea enthusiast wants to try our delicious and hygienic product served in traditional ways because it is very healthy, which is why our franchise is expanding quickly. We think that our franchise partners' businesses should expand alongside ours. Every prospective businessman can take advantage of exciting prospects to make a solid return on a low rate of investment at our franchise outlet.

Kulhar Chai, we provide the best quality chai in the whole of India. We are having the best and the most unique type of recipe that can make anyone fall in love with our taste and so, we are here to spread this amazing recipe with you in the form of a franchise model. Our franchise model is very much profitable and is something that can help you in the most amazing way and is something that can be very much amazing and easy to use and operate. 

Things offered by us:

Before moving forward, let’s explore the different types of things or services that you can enjoy. These are the services and are basically the things that you will be enjoying in our franchise model. These are as below:

  1. Business starter kit.
  2. Material and staffing support.
  3. Predefined menu.
  4. Regular research and development of new flavors of products.
  5. Backup support for staff & material.
  6. Social media promotion.
  7. Periodical visits by the trainers

1. KIOSK model

We are providing the KIOSK model. This is the type of franchise in which you can open the shop with the lowest investment in the form of a van and a moving van and it’s very profitable and the best type of outlet model for franchising. It can be very beneficial for you and can help you if you are looking for something in a low-investment business

2. Perfect support

We will be providing you with the best type of support and we will be assisting you with every type of problem that you may face at the beginning of the business and so you need not worry about any type of business-related queries as you will not be alone in this business

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