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Special Education in south delhi, special school in south delh


Montessori education is an educational approach developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori and characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological, physical, and social development. It was initially developed to help children with special needs but seeing the benefits, the same was incorporated in mainstream schooling. Asha Hai follows the Montessori based education approach, providing special education in south Delhi. A trained Montessorian imparting special education in south Delhi at Asha Hai, is able to apply a multisensory approach (using all five senses) to all her teaching methodologies in order to facilitate communicative learning. They are trained to identify the learning style of every child and plan their lessons catering to their individual learning style and intelligence.

Areas covered

Our curriculum of special education in south Delhi focuses on all the elements essential to special education, besides incorporating:

  • Sensorial Education
  • Exercises of practical Life
  • Mathematical Education
  • Language Developme

Our Vision

  • To help build a society where all children are treated equally so that they receive the respect that every individual deserves.

School System includes: Assembly, writing work, rhyme time, lunch time, group play, Montessori activity time and story time.

Asha Hai is an inclusive school and leading provider of therapy services for children with special needs. We are committed to redefining the way that special needs are viewed and treated, by taking the most progressive and holistic approach to the children in our care and their families. We offer centre-based, early-years, interdisciplinary, and outcomes-focused therapy programs.

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