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ahamd ali
Sales Statistics

That of course is not the way things actually happen. What happens is people buy a system, put money in an account, and lose their money. I don't know what the statistics are for how much money is lost but there are statistics on how many fail and it is 95% of retail traders. This sounds about like what you might expect in Las Vegas and it probably does not give Forex a good name.

Another reason this occurs is that most automated sales statistics trading systems are short-term trading systems or scalping systems. They are after quick pips; 5 pips, 10 pips, and multiple trades with tight stops. Imagine this scenario. There are 75 million retail traders trading Forex every day. If a large portion of this group of people is using automated systems trading in a tight span and from both sides of the market, meaning short and long positions at the same time based on the rules of the particular system, the noise created by this not only causes money loss of those trading automated systems but also those not trading automated systems. In other words, there is a virtual war going on which is almost face-to-face and for little profit; translated as noise. All you need to do is search for these systems on the Internet and you will see that they are easy to get and in some cases free.

Online marketing will never be the same, thanks to automated marketing systems. Never before have lead generation marketing and product sales been so simple and effective. This is changing the face of the network marketing industry and it kicks butt!

While millions of despondent reps are dropping out of the MLM industry like flies, the few that have become proficient using marketing information systems are flourishing, blowing past their uplines with exceptional ease. If you're willing to educate yourself on the use of automated marketing systems you'll be in the minority. Presently, less than 1% of network marketing representatives are using these highly effective methods to build their businesses.

Please don't get me wrong - I'm not telling you this is some kind of "get rich quick" plan because there's no such thing. Automated marketing systems take time and effort to master, which may be one of the major deterrents to some marketers. Once the initial learning curve is behind you though, lead generation marketing and automated sales become incredibly profitable and effective.

ahamd ali
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