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Step by step instructions to compose a persuasive essay

William Words
Step by step instructions to compose a persuasive essay

Step by step instructions to compose a persuasive essay

source: https://topessaywriter.net/persuasive-essay

Reflecting back on the history of knowledge and education, it is found that the time of Aristotle and Plato, sometimes referred to as the Classical Period is a thorough knowledge about how human thoughts are classified and differentiated in the form of different subjects. Even in that time, philosophers were convinced that they should have art to help the people understand their point of view, which can be called the art of persuasion. It was the time when ethos, pathos, and logos was designed as a source of creating an approach towards effective communication and the history of persuasive essay dates back to the same time. It would not be wrong to say that persuasion and rhetoric are used interchangeably, and serves the same purpose of convincing the audience. Thus, a persuasive essay can be defined as a narration in which an author uses ethos, pathos, and logos to create viewpoints and convince the listeners or the readers so that they can find the communicated idea to be original and effective. Thus, a persuasive essay is a very technical description of the facts and figures that can leave a sound implication. One can review the synthesis examples to know how facts and figures can be summarized in a more effective manner to make the content more.

Context of Persuasive Essay

The underlying context of the persuasive essay is all about the attributes that a writer or the orator uses to establish the central idea. Thus, persuasive writing must have all the elements that can have a positive impression on the readers. Even in academic life, at some point, a student is asked to come up with an essay that can help students develop a sound and creative approach to a topic. It never depends on the subjects or the courses that are chosen, rather a student’s ability is evaluated in the light of some simple assignments and tasks that are deemed important to access the abilities of a writer.

Formatting a persuasive essay

Since formatting is important in any academic writing, it is believed that a student should understand the different components of an essay. Like other essays, the persuasive essay is also comprised of different headings. The first heading in the essay is that of an introduction. The introduction to a persuasive essay should be a thorough background of the topic. It must be about 150 to 170 words and it should end with a thesis statement. The introduction should not be too lengthy to frustrate the readers.

Then, the discussion will be all about the facts and figures that are written to back the facts and figures. The discussion should have at least three paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence, which should have a meaningful point, and then it should be elaborated on in the remaining paragraph. However, each of the paragraphs should be connected to the thesis statement that is mentioned at the end of the introduction paragraph.

Then, the essay should end with a conclusion paragraph. The conclusion of the persuasive essay should be a summarizing paragraph in which all the facts and figures should be again winded up to complete the underlying essence of the essay. The conclusion must not have anything that is new or innovative, and the word count for this section should also be the same i.e. 150 to 170 words.

Persuasive essay outline

When it comes to writing an essay, it is always preferred to develop an outline beforehand. Such an initiative is suggested to come up with an essay in which everything is as per the requirement. Usually, students write their essays without reflecting on the components, and either it results in off a topic essay or there is some issue with the quality. A good full-length essay is accompanied by an outline which can help the readers understand how the essay is developed over the different points. Sometimes students confuse a persuasive essay with that a rhetorical precis which is not true and should be avoided.

An example of a persuasive essay outline can be as follows.

  • Introduction
  • The introduction should have at least 150 words, it should be more background information and an insight into the history of the topic. Here it is crucial to have an essay that is a thoughtful narration comprising the meaning of the title and how that title is significant
  • Thesis statement
  • It is either one sentence or a two-sentence statement that can help readers understand the central aim of the essay. In some cases, it is the one-line response to the question that is asked in the form of the topic. It is of thoughtful matter and insight that the thesis statement should be comprehensive and it should not deviate from the topic.
  • Discussion
  • Usually, it is believed that the discussion paragraphs should be a sum of the aspects that are identified in the thesis statement. It is also encouraged to develop each of the paras on the chunks or the aspects of the thesis statement. The discussion perhaps should be written in such a way that the word count of all the paragraphs should be the same, and they should contribute to the central aim of answering the central question.
  • The paragraphs must have ethos, pathos, and logos that can help to come up with a creative insight into the topic. Some of the researchers also believe that failure to add the facts and figures can result in marks deduction because without these the points cannot be proven and it can affect the quality of work.
  • Conclusion
  • It is the last and an important section of the full-length essay. It is believed that the conclusion of the essay should be a thorough summary of the facts and ideas that are communicated in the essay. It is always encouraged to adhere to the word limit and abide by the restrictions that are assigned by the instructor.

Important topics for persuasive essay

In some cases, students are asked to choose their topics themselves and it can prove to be a tough job. In such a case, what a student is required to do is to visit any example of a persuasive essay outline to get an insight into the topic or the essay itself. Another option that can work is to follow some persuasive essay examples that can help to know how to format and assemble the content. If none of the options work, it is the job of the instructor to give a list of topics for students to consult or choose from them. Following are some of the persuasive essay topics for students that can help them design an informative essay and well-researched essay.

  • Art for art's sake is more authentic than literature for life's sake.
  • Smoking is injurious to social well-being or the society
  • Marijuana is a major social evil that is affecting the quality of life of people.
  • Speed driving is the major cause of deaths
  • Sad music inculcates sad thoughts, leading to depression
  • A happy life is a tale told by an idiot.

These interesting persuasive essay topics can help you ace your assignment with perfection. It is of considerable importance to note that none of the essays can be considered effective or excellent until the basic elements of an essay are included in it.

It is of considerable importance that the synthesis essay can be written with the same formatting approach as that of the persuasive essay. The underlying reason is that the two essays abide by the same anthology of building on the given topic and then proving the topic.

If you think that you are not able to write an essay for yourself, it is inferred we have some experts who can help you completely with the task of essay writing. Our experts can design any custom essay for you such as an information essay, which can empower your simple skills such as creative writing and critical thinking.

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William Words
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