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Mac book are the most accepted Apple product because of their advanced hardware design, quality manufacturing and unique features. They are the lightest and most portable notebook available in the market and also Mac Books are well known for their great hardware and software abilities. When it comes to looks or performance, Mac Book always delivers the best. So the maintenance and protection of Mac Book is equally important.

                    There are plenty of ways by which you can safeguard your Mac book. let us take a look at some of the tips to make your laptop a compact device.



It is important to keep it updated as per the latest software to keep your Mac book secure. Macos sends regular notifications to look out for updates manually as well keeping up with the software updates will help you keep the hackers at Bay, and it will help to keep our Mac book safe.



There are many antiviruses, but every antivirus is

 not good, probably against macOS, especially now as hackers are specifically targeting Macs with advanced technology. Antiviruses like intego and airo AV are purposely designed to protect Macs from a huge range of threats including ransomware ,data breaches and online attacks. Also it can help you in securing the third party downloads and keep your laptop safe from possible




                          a Strong password always keeps our devices safe and secure. it can keep ethical hackers from entering into it. you can opt for a complex password or take help from the password assistant which is built in the Mac Book.



Encryption is important for the protection of your data. It helps to secure your behind a password. Apple has a built-in encryption tool named “file vault” and it helps you in securing your most sensitive personal information very easily.

         simply go to  system preferences>security and privacy>file vault> And turn on file vault.

This feature will be disabled by default, so to encrypt your data on Mac book ,you need to enable the feature.



The firewall helps to protect the invaders from entering into the Mac book through LAN or internet. it will keep the personal data in your laptop. Firewall applications usually also feature an option to block specific online destinations including adult websites.

            you can enable the Firewall on your Mac book By going through the system preferences, and click on security and privacy. under this setting you can find the firewall setting.


             A Mac book will hold all the information that you need, and that is very significant. compromising on the security of your Mac book is not preferable. Therefore it is important to follow these steps. if these tips don't seem to work, look for a professional or expert help from, Macbook Service Centre Dubai. At Scorpion fix, Mac book Service Centre Dubai offers the best solution for your problems. A fully transparent, easy, quick and affordable service to get back your as a better performing product. Scorpion fix is your one-stop destination for any and all issues that you might have with your Mac book Air or Mac book Pro.

If you are an apple macbook user and searching for a personal repair technician to take care of all your electronic devices like mac, laptops, mobiles, etc you can trust our Macbook service center Dubai. For every MacBook user to who starts panicking even at the thought of getting a scratch on their laptop, worry no more. Here at laptops, a blissful MacBook repair center in dubai, we will, quite thoroughly, take care of whatever little or big issue there is with your Macbook laptop.

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