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Smart strategies to involve kids in their self-learning

tejaswini work
Smart strategies to involve kids in their self-learning

Why do kids need to be involved in self-learning?

Children are a bundle of energy and a bundle of wonders as well. It's the duty of the parents and teachers to ensure that the growing years are taken advantage of to the fullest so that a basis is created that lasts a lifetime. Self-learning is important because it helps students to develop their own learning style and preferences. It also allows them to take more control over their learning, and to learn at their own pace. Additionally, self-learning can help students to become more motivated and engaged in their learning.

At international schools, the teachers focus on creating a supportive environment for their students. The teachers, however, can't do it all by themselves. Parents need to be a part of the equation. This blog will discuss smart strategies to involve kids in their self-learning at international school.

The education system across the globe is changing drastically. Children are being drilled with facts and figures which don't help them much in the long run. The education system at international schools is changing and evolving. They are trying to be more child centric.

How to instil an attitude of learning at school?

One of the most important things that schools can do to instil an attitude of learning in their students is to create a positive and supportive learning environment. This means making sure that the physical environment is conducive to learning, and that the atmosphere is one of respect and cooperation. It also means providing opportunities for students to learn and grow in their academic and social skills.

When students feel safe and supported in their learning environment, they are more likely to take risks and to try new things. They are also more likely to persevere when they encounter difficulties. This positive attitude towards learning can then be carried with them throughout their lives.

How can teachers be of help?

There are many ways in which teachers can be of help to involve kids in self learning. One way is by providing opportunities for kids to explore and discover on their own. This can be done through things like setting up centres in the classroom with various materials for kids to experiment with. Another way is by asking open-ended questions that encourage kids to think critically and come up with their own answers.

Additionally, teachers at best international schools in Bangalore can provide scaffolding and support when needed to help kids feel confident in their abilities to learn on their own. Ultimately, the goal is to instil a love of learning in kids so that they are motivated to continue learning even when they are not in a formal classroom setting.

What are the techniques to involve kids in self-learning?

There are many different techniques that can be used to involve kids in self learning. Some of these techniques include:

1. Encouraging kids to ask questions and explore their surroundings.

2. Allowing kids to make mistakes and learn from them.

3. Helping kids to set goals and work towards them.

4. Encouraging kids to keep a learning journal.

5. Teaching kids how to research and find information for themselves.

6. Encouraging kids to share their learning with others.

7. Helping kids to see the connections between different subjects.

8. Encouraging kids to reflect on their learning.

9. Allowing kids to choose their own learning activities.

10. Encouraging kids to take responsibility for their own learning.

At best international schools in Bangalore, self-learning is highly valued. This is because it helps students to become more independent and responsible for their own learning. It also allows them to customise their learning to their own needs and interests.

The educational systems are based on an outdated model of teaching and learning. The majority of the world has moved on from the traditional approach of sitting at a desk with a handful of other students, listening to a teacher lecture. At Harvest International School, they take a different approach to learning. For example, their students are encouraged to read and write for themselves, at their own pace, and they actively work to make sure that every child is able to develop their own strengths. They encourage every child to be an independent learner, capable of thinking for themselves and believe that one of the best ways to do this is to make sure that children are regularly involved in their own learning, that they are able to follow their own interests and are free to explore ideas that interest them.

Harvest international school provide an excellent opportunity for self-learning. Students are exposed to a variety of cultures and languages, and they have the opportunity to learn about different countries and their customs. Additionally, best international schools have a more global perspective, which can help students learn about different issues and perspectives. Finally, students at Harvest international school often have more opportunities to travel and study abroad, which can further enhance their self-learning experiences.


tejaswini work
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