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Important Safety Measures For Punches and Dies

Mia Smith
Important Safety Measures For Punches and Dies

Punches and dies are the best tools for accurately and repeatedly piercing sheet metal. There still seems to be some mystery surrounding punch and die systems, what they can accomplish, and when to replace them, even though punching appears to be the perfect technique for low to medium-volume workplaces.


Many individuals are unclear and perplexed about what punch and die equipment can and cannot be used for. We hope to dispel some safety tips regarding these incredibly versatile tools in this blog.

Safety Warnings for Punch Press Machine

It is for your safety that all punch press operators pay close attention to the safety precautions below.


●      Before operating the punch press machine, thoroughly read the instruction manual.

●      Using the pedal function less frequently and the bimanual function instead.

●      Keep a distance of 680mm between the operation button and the danger region (the vertical projection of the stamping die)

●      When the punch press machine is operating, do not extend your hands into the sliding block work area.

●      When using the punch press machine, the employees should adhere to the safety regulations.

●      The employer should give the new employee at least 3-6 months of training.

●      Before operating the press machine, thoroughly inspect it.

●      To check for issues, the press machine needs to run dry for 1-3 minutes.

●      To prevent mishaps brought on by fatigue, a worker shouldn't work more than eight hours a day.

●      When adjusting and fixing the machine, hang a caution sign.

●      The designated individual should conduct the routine examination.

●      Stop the press if there are any unusual noises or vibrations.

Guidelines for Safe and Effective Punching

Punches made of mild steel should not chip or crack as they should wear out. Punch chipping and cracking can be caused by a variety of circumstances. Here is a quick checklist that can be used to reduce this failure.


1. Tighten the coupling nut. This enables the punch to "move" while being used. Pressure differences will result from such movement.


2. Alignment error. Non-uniform clearance will occur if the punch is not positioned in relation to the die's hole. Uneven pressure will be applied to the punch's face as a result.


3. Inadequate space between the punch and the die. For mild steel that is less than 1/2" thick, the acceptable standard clearance is 1/32" total clearance. Punching materials that are 1/2" thick or more calls for a 1/16" clearance. Punching mild steel over 3/4" in thickness "may need even more die clearance if it's thick."


4. Inequitable stripping. When the machine's stripper fails to consistently and firmly hold the plate down during the "up" stroke, this happens. When this occurs, one side or edge of the punch is subjected to the full weight of the plate as well as the strain from stripping. Up to half in harsh circumstances "of the punch could separate.


You should focus on weekly, monthly, and yearly maintenance in addition to daily maintenance while performing mechanical punch press maintenance. The punch shouldn't chip or crack. The best shock-resistant tool steels must be used, machined to the exact tolerance, and hardened and tempered using metallurgical techniques.

Mia Smith
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