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Do you need specialised Moffett Delivery Services?

Jeavons Eurotir

A Moffett truck is essentially a truck-mounted three-wheeled Forklift. The benefits of using a professional Moffett delivery service include:

  • Being able to deliver to locations that don’t have offloading capabilities. 

  • A one-stop solution that includes driver, truck & Forklift - All in one package.

  • Significantly increased efficiency over hand-balling items. 

  • Transport large, heavy and unconventional loads. 

  • Palletising helps to ensure goods are transported without being damaged. 

  • Reduced accidents as professional use of Forklifts help to increase safety. 

Today, Moffet forklifts are used in virtually every industry. The best Moffett delivery services have the option of GPS tracking, which means you can check in realtime exactly where your scheduled Moffett truck is within the UK road network.  

Lighten the load

Transporting items can be both costly and potentially hazardous. If you choose to hire a Moffett forklift to do some of the heavy lifting for you, you can significantly increase efficiency by palletising items and loading them onto a truck. Of course, not everyone has access to a three-wheeled Moffett Forklift, and hence the Moffett delivery service was conceived.  

Safety first

There’s always a potential for injury when moving heavy / large items, but with a Moffett Forklift you can safely palletise all goods and then mechanically move each pallet one by one, thereby greatly reducing the likelihood of injury. Many Moffett delivery services even supply a specially trained Moffett forklift operator to move the pallets for you. Moffet forklifts are themselves lightweight which means they can traverse across surfaces that heavier machinery cannot, but their light weight belies the fact that they can lift and move around 2.5 tonnes of goods at a time. With this capability, loading and unloading is much quicker.

Jeavons Eurotir are a specialist provider of Moffett delivery services and can offer delivery to practically anywhere in the UK. Their trucks are equipped with the latest GPS tracking devices so you know in advance when you can expect your Moffett forklift to arrive. 

Get in touch today with Jeavons Eurotir to find out how they can help you. With fully tailored packages including trained Moffett drivers and next day delivery, Jeavons Eurotir have earned their place as amongst the top transportation and logistics providers in the UK. 

Jeavons Eurotir
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