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6 Important Features of Unified Communication Solutions for Your Business

NECALL Voice & Data
6 Important Features of Unified Communication Solutions for Your Business

A communication platform that provides features to integrate all the major business applications and channels in which its employees exchange information is known as unified communication. It contains features to communicate via audio, video, and text formats, transfer and access files, and allow collaborative work to employees.

It is equally important when interacting with customers and offers features that enhance the customer service experience. It can also be availed on a subscription basis when the communication system is hosted on the cloud and is known as Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS) or simply, hosted communications.

All the collaboration and communication can be accessed on one central hub. It is easier to collaborate in real-time and switch between different communication methods and business applications. Unified communication solutions work with the help of multiple back-end platforms or systems. These platforms may include UC server, video bridge, private branch exchange phone system (PBX), voice over internet protocol system VoIP, or business communication gateways.

The back-end works to integrate different applications and the front-end works to provide employees with a seamless user experience. It does not require users to have previous experience or training to be well versed with this technology. All features offered by unified communications can help employees enhance productivity and businesses grow. But there are a few that stand out and take the communication service level beyond traditional business telephone systems.

Unified communications are the platform you want to provide your employees with for increased productivity, efficient communication with customers, and seamless scalability options. If you still do not have this technology deployed in your workplace, you are missing something that can turn your business for the better.

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NECALL Voice & Data
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