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Why to Choose Management Courses with Global Exposure

Poddar Business School

Giving an edge to the aspirants

The MBA programs in India with International exposure provides the opportunity to study and do internship outside India as a part of the course. This helps in diversifying the aspirant’s perspective and enhances thinking in a much broader sense in terms of global outlook by interacting with the students hailing from different countries. Best MBA Collage in Jaipur Global exposure is the need of the hour to survive in the highly competitive business scenario as the economies of the countries are inter-connected. Currently, small and medium-size enterprises are more involved in overseas business and cross-boader investments have immensely increased. Global markets are volatile

Moreover, International exposure is beneficial in motivating one out of his comfort zone to take decisions and grow further. It is the gateway to employment in multinational companies in the field of Travel and Tourism, Hospitality, Export-import and firms involved in the management of cross-border mergers and acquisitions.


The dynamic International atmosphere inculcates a sense of responsibility to the students towards time and thoughtful to other cultures spread world-wide and make it easily acceptable. This required skill is acquired while communicating with the people from different cultures in an International business environment. This would also raise the chances of International placement. The MBA program with International exposure provides the chance to study and internship outside the country as a part of the course. This helps in diversifying one’s perspective and thinking in a broader sense in terms of International outlook by interacting with students of different countries.

Job Opportunities

The global exposure will increase the weightage of one’s resume and help him/her to find out a better job on an international platform. In addition, this would also help in building international connections and friendships in the international business world, which might be helpful in your one’s career during lifetime. Even if one thinks of operating in the domestic market the international networking will help him/her to develop business and career.

The ability to communicate with international colleagues will help the aspirants at the time of recruitment in an international business company. One will be capable to analyze the business in terms of global trends in the different markets which in turn would help one to grab good opportunities.

Central Alberta job prospects brightening: survey - Red Deer Advocate


After doing MBA with international exposure, probabilities of getting an International role in domestic as well as foreign company raises remarkably. Many companies prefer candidates with international exposure for the same role. The recruiter also respects and is receptive to the CV with

International exposure. On visiting foreign countries for international exposure during MBA, one will find many students from his/her own country and can acquire benefits from their experiences. In addition, the extensive exposure will help one to look globally and act locally by driving strategies working in International markets and might be applicable in the domestic market.

Diverse classroom experience

MBA admissions officers look for candidates with International experience, because it shows that they have International exposure and are capable of thinking from a global perspective. An MBA program encompassing different International experiences also ensures a better and more diverse classroom experience. MBA applicants having some International experience - either through travel or work. Hence, showing that having International experience will help one to stay competitive as compared to other applicants.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | Ivey Executive MBA Program

Global work experience

The first step in demonstrating one’s International experience is to take inventory of his/her experiences travelling abroad and working with people of other countries. Even if one has never worked outside his/her home country, he/she may still have International work experience.

An opportunity for global work experience | Deccan Herald

Consequently, one has to gain all information related to admissions, fees, courses, placements, reviews and more on top MBA Colleges in Jaipur with International exposure to help him/her in finalizing the college for targeting for MBA/PGDM in International Business admissions in India.

Poddar Group of Institutions (PGI)

Poddar Group of Institutions, a synonym of vibrancy, dynamism, and enriched positivity began with its journey way back in 1998 under the thought-provoking vision of Dr. Anand Poddar. The Group's member institutions are world-class and research-intensive. They are unique institutions, each with its own history and ethos, but they share some distinguishing characteristics. Our institutions maintain the very best research, an outstanding teaching and Learning Experience, and unrivaled links with local and national businesses and the public sector.

Poddar Group of Institutions is one of the leading names among colleges in Rajasthan and is known for its uncompromised approach toward providing students with opportunities as well as a future which they look up to. We are a way ahead with our state-of-the-art infrastructure and advanced technology-driven facilities that facilitate the finest learning experiences for the students. We are determined to build a network of students who are ready to face the world with confidence and enthusiasm.

Poddar Business School (PBS)

Poddar Group of Institutions, continuing its legacy in Management Education has brought a next gen campus @Poddar Business School (PBS) introducing Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) program with an objective to nurture and prepare a diverse group of aspiring corporate leaders with the knowledge, and management and skills to provide leadership to organizations competing in a changing scenario with a fiercely competitive global market place.

PGDM Program

Develop your personal leadership capacities within Poddar Institute's distinctive blend of leadership coursework, coaching, experiential learning and wide range of student run activities. The Leadership Program at Poddar Institute offers one of the largest set of options to develop the aspirants’ leadership style by analyzing and building on their strengths.

Global Immersion Program

Academic & Professional Training Abroad in Three Continents learn about business from a different perspective, experience another culture. PBS offers one of the most vibrant Global Immersion Programs (GIP), with PGDM students electing to study abroad each year in cities ranging from London to Gold Coast to Sudbury in Canada.

Study abroad (1 week to 15-day tour)

The Program enables students to study abroad at one of their university's partner institutions. For many students, the prospect of studying abroad is both exciting and terrifying. One will be sure to experience a brand-new culture, meet new people and grow as a person.

New mode of education

The aspirants can use this as an opportunity to experience different methods of teaching and find out what type of learning works best for them. It's a great way to immerse themselves in a new academic setting and see a new aspect of their degrees that you may not have seen before.

Learning new languages

One can make new friends from around the world from many different backgrounds. Travelling nearby countries is easy. Visiting other countries can help change your worldview and give you an International outlook.

New Age Electives

What makes PBS different from PGDM offered by other institutes is the new age electives. Other than exclusive electives in Marketing, Human Resources, Operations, Finance, PGDM offers electives in Business Analytics, Hospitality and Event Management, Healthcare Management, Entrepreneurship and Start-up Technologies.

Therefore, the above-mentioned reasons make opting PGDM applicable and relevant in to order to remain competitive in current job market, and fulfill career goals as it essential for the aspirants to continue their journey to grow professionally


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Poddar Business School
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