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How To Clean Reusable Game Bags?

VIAM Outdoors
How To Clean Reusable Game Bags?

It’s time for hunting season and preparation to start for hunts. Reusable game bags are more important than other essential accessories such as tarps, kill kits and shelter for hunting and outdoor campaigns.

Particularly about reusable game bags, it is very clear that we need reusable game bags and they become our main equipment for hunting. We focus on how we can keep avoiding our game bags to become dirty, it’s not important to how to get clean them though. Here we recommend a few methods to clean reusable game bags and ready for another outdoors.

Why use reusable game bags?

If you are thinking about why reusable game bags use outdoors and hunting? You need to know about the benefits of reusable game bags. The first thing is game bags are more affordable than other non-reusable game bags. Also, due to reusable material, it stays a long time to use for. Reusable game bags are very lightweight and easy to carry on. It is made of breathable material that is helpful to carry meats and food items. And finally, it is easy to clean and even repair easily.

How do you clean reusable game bags?

Here are we narrate some methods that will helpful for keeping your reusable game bags clean and removing them from dirt, blood, and mud.

1. Hand-wash method

First of all, need hydrogen peroxide and start to spray on the bag over a bucket. Take the time to work it into the fabric of the bags and make sure it’s spread throughout. This help to remove any stains and disinfect your bag. After that let the bags keep in the bucket for around 5-10 minutes. After time over rinse the bag with cold water to wash hydrogen peroxide. Always use cold water because warm water will start to begin to bake the blood proteins into the bag.

After hydrogen peroxide is rinsed out and air-dried, your game bag will be ready for use.

2. Washing machine method

In washing machine wash spray off any meat, fat, or hair bits with a hose. Do this until water runs clean off the bag. If there are any meat piece, or hair stuck on the bag, simply soak the bag in cold water for a few minutes and you can be remove that stuff easily. 

Set your washing machine to cold water(do not use warm water), with a delicate setting, and add necessary unscented detergent and then start the machine. Remember to remove any meat pieces or fat before starting the washing machine.

After your washing machine stops put it out to air dry. Remember to don’t put them in the dryer, as they will become reflective logos to come off. And ready to use.

This method is certainly convenient, but will not always get all of the stains out of the bags. That’s why using the hydrogen peroxide technique is more effective.

3. Field method

When you are in the field, keep in mind that bags will not be disinfected and for that just rinse them in a creek, ring them out and let them air dry. When you reach home though be sure to apply one of the above washing methods for proper washing and cleaning of your reusable game bag.

Let’s wrap up

Get ready for your next adventure with reusable game bags. There is a proper technique and method to clean reusable game bags with some caution. We at VIAM Outdoors always help our outdoor adventure enthusiasts for their adventure being more adventures and fun.

VIAM Outdoors
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