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Product Description of Counterbalance Forklift

Superlift Material Handling Inc.
Product Description of Counterbalance Forklift

Counterbalance forklifts are the most popular forklifts that are being used throughout the globe. When it comes to handling the heaviest material in any adverse condition, counterbalance forklifts are there in order to perform that task. 

Counterbalance Forklift developed by Superlift is all about handling loads up to 15000 lbs. This forklift comes with increased maneuverability that helps the operator to operate in various stiff conditions compared to a sit-down unit.  

The standard lift height is 144 inches and the engineered list is up to 188 inches with added reach if required. Electric counterbalance forklift comes with several advantages and due to their zero carbon emission, they are best to be operated indoor operations. 

Power steering offers smooth control over the movements and it has made the operation easier with ergonomic handles. Off the self, components help to meet the operational parameters and are capable to deliver the best result within a short time. 

Technical information 

  • Load: 1000 to 7000 kg 
  • Max lifting height: 5500 mm 
  • Fork length: 1150 mm 

Best features of Counterbalance Forklift 

Enormous power 

Since the forklift is powered by batteries, it has an inbuilt high-efficiency motor that can be perfectly and precisely controlled and the output power is strong enough. The turning control can be optionally equipped with EPS and it can help the operator while turning by using the electronic control of the device to produce extra power of relative level and direction according to the torque signal and speed signal. It helps to drive the forklift so conveniently and navigate precisely while moving through narrow passages. 

Multifunctional handle 

The operator can control a lot of things from the multifunctional handle. It has integrated control functions like a horn button, speed button, emergency reverse button, and lifting button. The emergency reverse button can be applied if the operator faces any accident like falling items. The handle also helps to release barking both in a vertical and horizontal position.  The design of this machine is quite safe and the operation is more comfortable. 

Super  Gradability

The power motor along with 5 wheel stacker structure can provide superior stability so that the truck can have sufficient gradeability when it is fully loaded. 

Dual balance wheel device 

The stacker is completely equipped with dual balance when so that, it can overcome several obstacles easily and the running easier with maximum stability. 

Walk behind and Rider units available 

Small footprint save enormous requirements for use in tight areas. Available in a walk behind or rider platform for improved productivity and efficiency.

Emergency power-off switch 

An emergency power-off switch helps to instantly cut off the power during emergencies. Lead acid or Lithium batteries are available depending on requirements and cost.

These are the features that make this outstanding counterbalance forklift an excellent choice to operate in various warehouses or other industrial applications. 

Resource: https://superliftcanada.wordpress.com/2022/11/28/product-description-of-counterbalance-forklift/ 

Company name – Superlift Material Handling Inc

Country- Canada 

Website-  www. superlift.net

Superlift Material Handling Inc.
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