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3D Printers:A Device That Prints Out Real 3D Objects

3D Printers:A Device That Prints Out Real 3D Objects

3D printing is a technique for constructing objects based on digital model files by printing layer by layer using bondable materials such as powdered metal or plastic.


How 3D Printing Works


While ordinary printers used in everyday life can print flat objects designed by a computer, the so-called 3D printers work on the same basic principle as ordinary printers, except that the printing materials are somewhat different, as ordinary printers are made of ink and paper, while 3D printers are filled with different printing materials such as metal, ceramic, plastic and sand "The printer is connected to a computer and can be controlled by the computer to superimpose the printing materials layer by layer, eventually turning the blueprint on the computer into a physical object. In layman's terms, a 3D printer is a device that can print real 3D objects, such as a robot, a toy car, a model, or even food. The reason it is colloquially called a printer is that it is based on the technical principles of ordinary printers, as the layering process is very similar to that of inkjet printing. This printing technology is called 3D stereoscopic printing.



There are many different techniques for 3D printing. They differ in the way that the materials available are used and in the way that parts are created in different layer builds. Common materials used for 3D printing are nylon glass fiber, durable nylon materials, plaster materials, aluminum materials, titanium, stainless steel, silver plating, gold plating, and rubber-based materials.


The Main Differences Between Traditional Printing and 3D Printing


1. Traditional printing is through the inkjet or needle printer will be toner printed on a flat surface, which can be positioned into a two-dimensional display; 3D printing is through three-dimensional molding, the material through the physical role of the raw material reshaping molding, printing the finished product is a three-dimensional display.


2. Traditional printing is information transfer printing, the information to be conveyed through the printing equipment printed on a flat surface; 3D printing products can be displayed in three dimensions, and the printed products are functional or practical, able to more vividly convey the expressed information.


3. Traditional printing (text pictures) will soon be replaced by networking, people can pass through VR or AR and other ways and gradually less paperless office; 3D printing will be continuously used in various fields of production life through the continuous development of materials, the development prospects are more promising.


The overall system of the 3D printer is a mechatronic system that integrates mechanical, control, and computer technology. Its system is mainly composed of an X-Y-Z motion system, nozzle structure, CNC module, forming environment module, and so on.


X-Y-Z movement is the basic condition for a 3D printer to make 3D parts. The X-Y axis forms a plane scanning movement frame, driven by a servo motor to control the scanning movement of the nozzle; the Z axis is driven by a servo motor to control the table to do the movement perpendicular to the X-Y plane. The scanning mechanism has good followers and almost no load, but the movement speed is high, with the inertia of the movement. z-axis should have the corresponding load-bearing capacity and smoothness of movement. Therefore, in the system, the X-axis mechanism adopts guide rail - synchronous toothed belt; the Y-axis mechanism adopts light rod - synchronous toothed belt; the Z-axis mechanism adopts servo motor drive device rod with larger torque force.


(1) Forming work cylinder: in the cylinder to achieve the parts processing, the working cylinder each time the distance down that is the layer thickness. After the part is processed, the cylinder is raised to facilitate the removal of the manufactured workpiece and to prepare for the next processing. The lifting of the working cylinder is driven by a servo motor using a ball screw.


(2) Feeding work cylinder: provides forming and support for the powder material.


(3) Remaining material recovery bag: installed in the forming machine shell to recover excess powder material from the powder spreading process.


(4) Powder spreading roller unit: contains the powder spreading roller and the drive system. Its function is to spread the powder material evenly on the working cylinder and to compact the powder material while spreading it.


(5) Nozzle: Injects the bonding agent during forming in the working cylinder, bonding the powder between different layers, and is a key component of 3D printing rapid prototyping.


(6) X-Y-Z three-dimensional transmission system: drive the nozzle carriage in the X, Y direction to do two-dimensional plane movement, drive the forming work cylinder and feeding work cylinder in the Z-axis direction to do up and down movement.


(7) Body and housing: The body and housing provide mechanical support and the required working environment for the overall rapid prototyping system.

A worldwide revolution in manufacturing has been brought about by 3D printing. Previously, the design of components was entirely dependent on whether the production process could be achieved, while the emergence of 3D printers will overturn this production idea, which makes companies no longer consider the production process when producing components, any complex shape design can be achieved through 3D printers.


More specific information can be found here.

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