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Eligibility standards and educational criteria for the CDS exam

Delhi Career
Eligibility standards and educational criteria for the CDS exam

This is mandatory to pass either the Combined Defense Services exam (CDS) in order to join India's strong military. These audits are performed twice a year by the Union Public Service Commission. Aspirants must pass the Service Selection Board or Combine Defense Academy exams in order to land their dream job. There are numerous teaching facilities across the country that offer CDS exam preparation. We also have first-rate facilities that offer comprehensive training to help students pass the selection process and land their dream jobs. There are a few things you should know before getting CDS coaching in Chandigarh.

Eligible to apply:

  1. Candidates' candidatures will be deemed invalid if they do not meet the commission's eligibility requirements at any point during the hiring process.
  2. If a candidate is found guilty after being hired, their employment will be terminated.
  3. Following the candidate's personality test, UPSC will conduct document verification; candidates must present proper identification during this time.
  4. Men who have recently divorced will not be considered single. As a result, they will not be eligible to take the CDS exam.
  5. Changing your birthdate is not permitted at any point during the recruitment process.
  6. Candidates must be under the age of 25 and single. Marriage is not permitted during the training period.
  7. Candidates over the age of 25 may still apply to their respective academies, but they will not be permitted to live with their families outside the academy during the training period, nor will they be provided with married housing.

CDS Educational Requirements

In order to be eligible for CDS, aspirants must meet the UPSC's minimum educational requirements. To satisfy the educational requirement, candidates must be graduates of an approved university. The following rules should be understood by candidates:

  1. Candidates who have chosen the Army as their top priority must have a bachelor's degree from a recognised institution.
  2. Candidates for the Navy branch must have a Bachelor of Engineering degree from a recognised institution.
  3. Candidates for the Air Force must have a Bachelor of Engineering degree from a recognised university or have completed their 12th grade with Physics and Math in addition to graduation.
  4. Candidates in their final year of school may still apply as long as they have no backlog; however, they must present their passing degree certificate before the course begins.


Although there are numerous publications available to help candidates prepare for exams, it is preferable to enroll in a reputable CDS exam preparation center. It provides aspirant students with comprehensive instruction and expert advice on how to ace these exams. There is no need to be concerned because applicants who have reached the age of 19 are eligible to take the 24-year-old Combined Defense Service Exam, but candidates must have earned their diploma for this test.

There are several CDS coaching institutes in the country, but because they all have their own training plans, choosing one with a good reputation is critical. Before deciding on a coaching facility to train at, it is critical to read reviews on multiple websites.

Delhi Careers Group is the top institution in Chandigarh, Delhi, known for providing the best CDS Coaching Chandigarh and CDS offline/online courses.You can help students prepare for tests by improving their abilities and increasing their confidence. Students were prepared for NDA, AIRFORCE, NAVY, SSB, AFCAT, MNS, IMU/MERCHANT-NAVY, and NDA tutoring in Chandigarh.

A physical training facility that focuses on results and is managed by retired military personnel. Teachers demonstrate how to complete simple ideas as well as complex skills with ease. hrs. of academic assistance. Students interested in joining the Indian Defense Service are given regular defence seminars. Use the exercises in the sections and chapters to assist you in focusing on and practicing the difficult ones.

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