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find electronic parts - components

netCOMPONENTS Electronic components database

netCOMPONENTS is the world's leading electronic component sourcing site, maintaining the industry's largest database of global electronic component supplier inventory. The database lists sources for millions (see homepage for current statistics) of active, passive, electromechanical, and other components that are mounted on printed circuit boards (electronic components at the board level), including integrated circuits (ICs), semiconductors, diodes, transistors, memories, microprocessors, capacitors, resistors, switches, relays, connectors and much more!

Since its launch in 1997, the multilingual netCOMPONENTS website has enabled the shopping and purchasing of electronic components in a direct, unbiased, and vendor-neutral environment. netCOMPONENTS provides publication of the supplier's name and contact information (non-anonymous) on each line item so that members can deal directly with the supplier(s) of their choice.

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Membership for Buyers/Purchasing Professionals/Purchasing Agents

Membership in netCOMPONENTS empowers purchasing professionals by providing access to the world's largest database of electronic components in a robust yet easy-to-use website environment. The netCOMPONENTS website is packed with a range of powerful features designed for professional sourcing and procurement needs. After performing a parts search, members can click on a supplier's name to view information about the suppliers who have the listed line items, whether they are authorized, the languages ​​they speak, the localized time, who they sell to, payment methods, payment terms, minimum order, and of course how to contact them. Listings are updated by our data department and netCOMPONENTS Inventory Processing System (NIPS) functionality in near real-time.

Membership includes:

Finding parts

Unlimited number of places and users

Search by worldwide region

Differentiation of search results of authorized suppliers

Resolution of inventory search results

Access search results to manufacturers data sheets for many line items

Customizable search results settings and filters

Search results supplier quality indicators

Supplier Quality Rating System (SQRS) for rating and displaying supplier ratings

Link to the shopping cart for selected suppliers

A multilingual messaging system for sending RFQs and POs to suppliers

Part Alerts to be raised when a part is added to the netCOMPONENTS database

netCOMPONENTS Escrow (additional fees apply)

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Upload authorization for supplier

netCOMPONENTS enables suppliers (inventory distributors and other companies with inventory for sale) to offer to buyers worldwide, receive qualified requests for quotations (RFQs), accept purchase orders (POs), acquire new customers and increase sales volume. By encouraging direct communication, the netCOMPONENTS model helps build relationships, new and existing, between members and suppliers. netCOMPONENTS does not support mass emailing, so every RFQ that a supplier receives is targeted.

Although distributors are the primary category of sellers on netCOMPONENTS, other companies with inventory for sale include OEM/CEMs selling excess inventory and component manufacturers selling factory inventory that would not normally be sold through distribution. (Note: Component manufacturers who support an authorized distribution base and wish to list their factory inventory may disable direct ordering and redirect member RFQs to distribution.)

Uploading inventory includes:

Inventory list

Unlimited number of places and users

Accept qualified/targeted RFQs and POs

Multilingual messaging system to receive RFQs and POs from members

netCOMPONENTS Escrow (additional fees apply)

many more features and functions...

It's no surprise that electronic component manufacturers are the one-stop shop for your component needs. But there are so many options in the market. As a result, it can be challenging to know which electronics manufacturers will serve you best.

For example, what if you need a spare part for your toaster, but you need it now? Your local hardware store more than likely has the part in stock. You can have it done in less than an hour than with an online retailer. From there it's a matter of driving to local electronic parts suppliers. For electronic component manufacturers, online retailers will not offer the same level of service.

Most sellers will use a call center to place an order when purchasing online. This can be a useful tool. But there's no substitute for having someone walk you through the different parts and what they can do.

Another good reason to buy from a local company is that they often have on-site repair. This can save you time and money in the long run, especially if your product is under warranty.

Having business proximity means you will have better access to publications for electronic component manufacturers. You will also have access to industry news. There is no easier way to keep up with the industry than through a local business.

Many are looking for hassle-free service and top quality products. It is in your best interest to go with a local business rather than an online retailer. After all, they have your reputation to uphold alongside yours.

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