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7 Pest Control Tips

Gary Gillads

Pests are a common problem in homes and gardens. They can damage your plants, spread harmful diseases, and even damage your property by chewing on wood or other materials. There are several ways you can get rid of pests naturally without using harmful chemicals.

Keep your garden free of dead leaves.

Keeping your garden free of dead leaves is a good idea. Pests like to live in damp, dark places and they need to stay cool in the summer. Keeping your lawn tidy will also help keep them away from the soil, which is where they like to hide out during the day!

If you have a compost heap or other large pile of organic matter left over from last winter's kitchen scraps, cover it up until this autumn when we can plant our vegetable patch back up again.

Store food in airtight containers.

Use glass or metal containers to store your perishable items, not plastic bags. If you do want to use a plastic bag for storage, make sure that it's sealed tightly and does not have any holes in the bottom edge so water can collect inside and cause bacteria growth.

Don't keep food out overnight. For example, if you plan on making lasagna at night before bedtime but don't want it sitting there all day long because of its "best before" date (which is typically used by manufacturers as an indication of when their product should be eaten), put it into the fridge instead of keeping it out on display somewhere where pests may find it attractive! It's also important never put any cooked or uncooked leftovers back into their original packaging—even if that means having them go straight into a Tupperware container instead of a plastic bag!

Clean up your litter.

While you should always clean up after your pet, there are a few things you can do to keep the area around your home cleaner. First, be sure to take care of any food or other items that get tracked into the house. If possible, remove these before they become a problem and make sure they are disposed of properly. Next, thoroughly vacuum every surface in your home at least twice per month—including under furniture and behind baseboards!

It's also important to keep an eye out for signs that pests may be nesting somewhere in your home: if there's an obvious hole where pests could enter (such as under a door), seal off those areas immediately by caulking any cracks or holes with caulk or silicone sealant; cut away grasses around utility poles so that rodents don't use them as pathways across roofs; and remove any shrubs near garbage bins so mice don't have easy access when trying eat garbage leftovers inside its container.

If possible, put out ant traps near entrances like doors leading outside onto patios where ants might find food sources while they're exploring outside during warm weather months such as springtime when ant colonies start growing again after winter hibernation ends."

Seal cracks in your home.

If you have any cracks in your walls, windows or doors, then seal them. Caulk is a good way to do this and it will keep pests from entering your home.

Try steel wool if there are holes that need filling. Steel wool can also be used as part of a pest-repellant spray to repel insects from entering your home.

Fix leaky pipes and faucets.

Pesticides can often cause a large number of pests to congregate in one area, so it's important to keep your home clean and pest-free. The easiest way to do this is by fixing any leaks in the plumbing system that could allow pests into your home or office space. Leaky pipes are one of the most common sources of infestation for both humans and pets alike, so if you suspect there might be something wrong with one of these systems—particularly if you notice a strange odor coming from under your sink or behind the wall paneling—it's important that you fix it immediately before any further damage occurs at all levels!

Pest Control Tips For Your Home

Use screens on your doors and windows.

●    Use screens on your doors and windows.

●    Keep them in good condition, especially the ones that open into the house.

●    Keep doors closed when not in use, and make sure that screens are fully enclosed by frames or wire mesh (not just holes).

You can get rid of pests without using harsh chemicals.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using pest control products. First, they are toxic and can be harmful to pets and children. Second, they can pollute the environment if not disposed of properly. Third, these chemicals can increase your risk for cancer and other health issues by disrupting your immune system. Finally, many of these chemicals are expensive; some even cost more than $100 per application!


We hope you now know how to get rid of pests without using harsh chemicals. Remember, with any pest control Buda texas job; it's important to use pesticides safely and responsibly.

Gary Gillads
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