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Top 10 Travel jobs for couples in 2023

Top 10 Travel jobs for couples in 2023

Working together as a couple can be challenging, but it doesn’t mean you have to give up on travel. Working abroad and traveling together has long been an important part of any long-term relationship. There are plenty of jobs in the travel industry that allow you to work and travel simultaneously. These positions offer the perfect blend of work and pleasure, making them ideal for couples looking to add excitement to their lives.

Introduce Scuba Diving in Thailand.

You and your partner can learn scuba diving in Thailand. The country has a long history with the sport, and it’s one of the most popular activities there. It’s also an excellent place to practice your skills with other divers and get certified by different agencies.

You can find jobs teaching people how to scuba dive or working at resorts that offer courses on their premises or nearby. These positions offer you an opportunity for travel, work experience in another country, great pay rates, and plenty of freedom when it comes time for vacations (which will often happen if you both love being underwater).

Teach English in South Korea.

Teaching English in South Korea is one of the best options if you’re looking for a long-term job that will let you travel and live abroad. Many jobs are available, and it’s easy to get visas for this country because most companies are based there. You can also make good money—and have fun simultaneously!

South Korea is an awesome place to visit; its culture, food, history, and scenery are all fascinating. It’s also an amazing place to live if you want something more than just another city on your list of places visited (or lived).

Sell tours in Chile.

Chile has many of the world’s best ski resorts, including Pico Alto, one of the few places in South America where you can ski on a glacier.

Not to be outdone by its snow sports, Chile also has some of the best wine regions in the world. And unlike many other South American countries that have fairly limited tourist attractions (think Patagonia), Chile has plenty of sights and activities to keep visitors entertained while they’re there—including hiking and mountain biking!

Become a pet sitter in France.

You can get started as a pet sitter in France by contacting an agency that specializes in finding jobs for travelers. Your first step will be to fill out an application, which should include your personal information and contact info for the company you’re applying for. The next step is to send in your CV and cover letter, along with any other materials you think might help them decide whether or not they want you on their team.

Once all of this is done, it’s time for them to review your application! First, they’ll likely ask questions about yourself—what kind of experience do you have? What’s something unique about yourself? What are some hobbies/interests outside of work?

If everything looks good, then congratulations: now comes the fun part: waiting until something happens (which could take anywhere between two weeks up until two months). In general, though, this process should only take around two weeks before hearing back from one or multiple potential employers who will interview candidates shortly after that!

Work at French Alps Ski Resorts.

Skiing is a popular vacation activity, and you can enjoy the outdoors while getting active. In addition, many ski resorts offer jobs for seasonal workers in the offseason, which makes it possible to work during long periods off from school or work.

You can work as a ski instructor at a resort or as an attendant at one of their restaurants. You’ll be responsible for teaching people how to ski and helping them with equipment maintenance (such as waxing skis). You’ll also need excellent communication skills because people often come into contact with guests during their stay there—and if something happens during your shift, then you’ll need to know how best to approach them about it so that everyone stays safe!

Become a tour guide for walking tours in Spain.

You can get paid to take people on walking or hiking tours of the city. Spain is a great place to work as a tour guide. The country has many attractions that tourists love, including its beautiful landscapes and rich culture. If you’re interested in working as a tour guide in Spain, start looking online for jobs at sites like Travelguru or TripAdvisor!

Become a tour guide for cycling tours in the Netherlands.

You’ll lead cyclists on biking tours through the Netherlands as a tour guide. This can be done in many ways: by bike or on foot, as part of a group, alone, and with your vehicle, if you have one. Of course, you’ll need to ride a bicycle and navigate Dutch roads (and some of the country’s famous bike paths).

If you’re interested in this job but aren’t sure if it’s right for you yet, consider doing an internship where your employer will give back something valuable from their time with you: knowledge about what it takes to bring visitors from around the world into their city or country via cycling tours.

Work on a cruise ship

If you and your partner like to travel, consider working on a cruise ship. You can work as a bartender, diving instructor, or theater performer.

If you have experience working in these types of jobs, then it may be the perfect job for you. You’ll get to travel around the world while making some good money at the same time!

Become a bicycle tour guide 

If you’re looking for a fun, low-key job that will bring in some extra cash while you enjoy the outdoors, a bicycle tour guide might be right up your alley. It’s well known that people love riding bikes and exploring new places—and the Oregon coast or Washington state is no exception! You can do this job as a summer gig or as part of an ongoing travel career (like being a foodie guide).

If you already know where you’d like to live and work out of season, becoming a bicycle tour guide may be ideal for your needs; however, if it doesn’t fit into your schedule perfectly, then it would probably still be worth considering anyway because there are plenty of other options out there besides just becoming one yourself!

Be an au pair in Italy.

Having an au pair is a great way to travel. An au pair is a person who cares for children in your home while you’re away. They’ll cook meals and clean up after them, teach them English and Italian (if applicable), help with homework or sports practice, and ensure their host family feels comfortable in their new surroundings.

Au pairs have been popular destinations for decades because they offer great flexibility—you can work as much or as little as you like while still having someone around to care for your kids when needed! Several websites list job opportunities if these appeals:

  • Care Au Pair USA lists positions at resorts around the country.
  • Au Pair Finder also has listings from countries around Europe.
  • Craigslist sometimes has postings looking for full-time nannies or housekeepers near major cities such as New York City or Los Angeles (but not necessarily within walking distance).

The world is your oyster!

Traveling the world is a great way to meet people, see new places and learn about different cultures. This article will look at some of the best jobs for couples who want to travel together.

You can do anything with this one statement; it’s up to you what life path you want to take! One thing most traveler know about their travels abroad is that they have met some amazing people along the way, which makes traveling even more enjoyable when partnered up with someone special, like a spouse or friend/family member who shares similar interests!

Over to You

Traveling is one of the best ways to spend your life, and it’s something you can do as a couple. If you have little experience traveling but want to try this adventure with your partner, consider some of these career options. These jobs are just what you need to make the most of an unforgettable journey!

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