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Apply for Masters in Canada | MS in Canada | Global Edge

Global Edge
Apply for Masters in Canada | MS in Canada | Global Edge

Global Edge is official representatives of Canada universities, colleges, Institutes of Technology, and Masters in Canada.

Why Study in Canada when MS Programs are Expensive?

Not all MS courses in Canada are pricey for international students. Some new-age MS programs also come at reasonable costs for international students. Not to forget, one can always apply for citizenship (Permanent Residency) in Canada. After getting citizenship in Canada, the cost ofMS in Canada significantly lessens. Not to forget,MS in Canada scholarship also helps individuals to reduce their tuition fees for respective programs.

Besides being pricey, Canada offers a supportive atmosphere to students. Also, Canada is eclectic and noncontroversial for scholars coming from different countries. Furthermore, there are abundant public/social amenities in Canada to help students during their courses. With one of the best educational systems in the world,MS in Canada is worth the time and money.

How to get a Study Visa in Canada for an MS Program?

Domestic students in Canada can enlist themselves in an MS program and start with their course. On the other hand, international students have to obtain a study Visa forMS in Canada. To obtain a study Visa forMS in Canada, international students prove that they can pay the tuition fee. Apart from the tuition fee, non-residents show that they can take care of the living costs. Non-residents also present clean/zero criminal records to obtain a study Visa in Canada. In some scenarios, international students take a medical examination for a study Visa in Canada.

Some info regarding the study VISA forMS in Canada is as follows:

  • Students need a Canadian Study Permit to stay for over six months in Canada. In other words, the Canadian Study Permit is known as the Study Visa.
  • At present, the price of a Canadian Study Permit is 150 CAD for international students. (can change & vary)
  • One can visit the official website of CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) to fill out the study Visa application online. One can also submit the study Visa application for MS in Canada offline.
  • Paper-based study Visa applications take a longer time to process than online applications.

Cost of Living in Canada for MS courses

BesidesMasters in Canada fees, students also have to pay living costs. Basic costs like accommodation, food, and transportation are incurred. As discussed above,Masters in Canada feesare more for international students. In such a case, students also have to consider living costs before moving to Canada for an MS program. If there isn’t anMS in Canada scholarship, some students find it problematic to make ends meet. For the same reason, it is better to consider the living costs in Canada and make appropriate decisions. Approximate costs for some necessities in Canada besidesMasters in Canada feesare as follows:

  • The average monthly rent for a shared flat in Canada is 850 CAD.
  • The average cost of utilities per person in Canada is 58 CAD monthly.
  • The average cost of a monthly internet subscription in Canada is 82 CAD.
  • The average monthly local transit cost in Canada is 100 CAD.

Apart from the aforementioned necessities, students will also incur other costs. For example, Canada’s average cost of a fast-food combo is 12 CAD. A movie ticket in Canada will cost around 15 CAD, while a pint of beer will cost 7 CAD. Since there are many costs,Masters in Canada scholarshipare necessary for students. WithMasters in Canada scholarship, students can manage the tuition fees to some extent.

Work Opportunities for MS Students in Canada

Students may require to work along with studying an MS course in Canada. Many students work to meet the tuition fees of the designated MS course. Many universities in Canada offer work opportunities to domestic and international students. On and off-campus work opportunities are available for MS students in Canada. MS students are allowed to work for 20 hours a week during university semesters. During vacations in Canadian universities, MS students can work full time. Only full-time MS students in Canada are authorized to work during the semesters.

Students need to obtain the Canadian Study Permit to work during their semesters. A SIN (Social Insurance Number) is also required to work while being admitted to an MS program in Canada. Once the grad course in Canada is over, the study permit expires after three months. If an individual wants to work even after completing an MS program, they must acquire a Post-graduation Work Permit in Canada.

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