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5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Agriculture in Turkey

Aim Farmlands
5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Agriculture in Turkey

The agriculture business has always fascinated investors keen to garner large-scale profits. They know that the returns are good, especially if the right strategies are in place. Additionally, scientific and technological advancements are providing a boost to contemporary agricultural projects. Regardless of geographical location, these projects tend to be highly productive. 

Taking these factors into consideration, agriculture investment firms advocate farm real estate investing while offering guidance regarding Agricultural Investment Opportunities to eager investors, too. Outlined below are five reasons why it would be worthwhile to invest in farmlands in Turkey.

1. Demand, Affordability, Protection

Stock markets, mutual funds, etc., are exposed to market risks and tend to fluctuate in value. Farmlands, however, are different! For instance, the world will always need food, and demand it. Therefore, any investor, whether a novice or an experienced one, will always have an eager line of customers waiting for the farm produce.

Similarly, agricultural lands are decreasing in size, since urban developers are taking over. Naturally, the value of the remaining lands in Turkey is bound to increase. Regardless, these lands are affordable, especially for foreign investors. It is because the Turkish Lira is not as strong as Western and European currencies. 

Agricultural lands are protection against rising inflation. They offer profits, small or big, even in the most trying of circumstances. 

2. Full Support From the Turkish Government

The Turkish authorities view both local and foreign investors favorably. They encourage investing in farmlands by providing all the necessary facilities and infrastructure. Additionally, the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has documented easy-to-follow guidelines for landowners. 

There are rules regarding purchasing land in pre-decided regions in Turkey, establishing and registering agricultural projects, setting up the correct infrastructure for agricultural progress, etc. 

Since Turkey is keen to develop the agricultural sector, it offers several benefits to foreign investors. After gaining a real-estate residence, they may apply for Turkish citizenship. It is because it will help them to manage their respective estates, as well as, enjoy excellent profits. 

3. Ideal Conditions for Growing Crops

Turkey occupies an enviable position in the global list of successful agricultural economies. It ranks tenth since half the country comprises farmlands. Furthermore, these lands are wonderfully arable, permitting diversity in plant growth. Other advantages to engaging in Farm Real Estate Investing include a highly-favorable-to-farming climate, fertile soil, and abundant water sources. 

It also helps that both young and old prefer to work on agricultural lands. Therefore, the purchasers/owners of these lands need not worry about hiring sufficient labor to work on them. 

Similarly, if investors wish to initiate special projects, there are agricultural engineers available to take charge of them. It does not matter if owners are physically present in Turkey or prefer to handle their properties remotely via efficient managers. These agricultural investment opportunities are bound to bring great dividends to investors. 

4. Vegetables and Fruits Galore

Nowadays, people are extremely health conscious. Therefore, they would prefer to grow their vegetables and fruits. Tomatoes are a favorite. Sufficient guidance is available via agriculture investment firms or experienced farmers, for investors to engage in the right type of cultivation. The amount of water and light required, adhering to the right times for spraying pesticides and fertilizers, etc., are different for each plant. Similarly, each vegetable grows at its own natural pace. Thus, harvesting time for each one varies.

Turkey’s climate is marvelous for growing diverse types of fruits. The array includes citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, cherries, pistachios, and peaches. Olives are a specialty, as the fruits are used for producing oil, too. Turkey Turkey’s climate is marvelous for growing diverse types of fruits. The array includes citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, cherries, pistachios, and peaches. Olives are a specialty, as the fruits are used for producing oil, too. Turkey occupies the sixth rank, regarding olive cultivation. In other words, it fulfills 5% of global needs.

The citrus fruits cover tangerines, lemons, oranges, etc. Lowlands/sandy lands are especially favorable to the growth of citrus fruits. These regions are not exposed to extreme cold or strong winds. However, investors must take special note of the quality of the soil. The soil’s pH must be acidic. Above all, citrus fruits have a strong bonding with sunlight and excess water.

5. Turkey is Nutty About Nuts

Hazelnuts occupy the top position, offering a distinctive flavor and quality found nowhere else in the world. It is why numerous nations export hazelnuts from Turkey. Thus, growing hazelnuts is one of the best agricultural investment opportunities for ambitious business owners. 

The country is also famous for producing and exporting walnuts and almonds in large quantities. Additionally, walnut trees do not require much care, although they take time to reach maturity. Therefore, investors may expect long-term returns from their farm real estate investing. They just must be patient!

Turkey does not confine itself to the vegetables, fruits, and nuts mentioned above. Businesspersons seeking agricultural investment opportunities may opt for other types of plant growth too. Farm real estate investing can include growing pulses, rice, timber, etc.



Aim Farmlands
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