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Is Buying Perfume Samples and Decants Legit? Here's What You Need to Know!

Is Buying Perfume Samples and Decants Legit? Here's What You Need to Know!

Buying Perfume Samples and Decants can be a great way to save money and try out a range of fragrances before you commit to buying a full-sized bottle. But is it legit? Is it safe to buy these smaller versions? Here's what you need to know about buying perfume samples and decants so you can make an informed decision.


What are perfume samples and decants?

Perfume samples and decants are smaller bottles of perfume that come in a variety of concentrations. Depending on the brand, these can be either spray or rollerball versions or you can buy them in containers from as little as a single milliliter up to 2oz (60ml). Typically, the majority of perfume brands will only offer samples in the lowest concentration, which is usually a single drop. The advantage of buying perfume samples, then, is that you can get a small amount of perfume in a plastic vial that you can keep in your bag or travel in a suitcase. This is especially helpful if you’re planning a last-minute getaway or are traveling abroad, as you can just take a few drops of perfume instead of a full-sized bottle. Plus, it’s not as if you’re wasting any perfume, as you can just keep it for another day if you need to use it again before the expiry date.


Benefits of buying samples and decants

  • Expense savings - While you can’t skimp on the price of perfume in the hope of getting a big discount, you can buy smaller container sizes and reduce your overall expenditure. This can be especially helpful if you’re trying to save money in your budget for a special occasion.
  • More variety - If you’re a scent fanatic, you can’t go wrong by investing in a few samples and decants. You can try out different fragrances and explore what works best for you in terms of concentration, age group, and mood.
  • Storage convenience - Most perfume brands offer perfume samples in the lowest concentration, which means they can be easily kept in an empty perfume vial or in a makeup bag. This is a big advantage if you want to take your fragrance with you on the go or don’t want to waste any perfume before its expiry date.
  • No risk of any allergies - If you have a scent allergy, you can buy smaller samples of perfume and test them out before committing to a full-sized bottle.



Potential drawbacks of buying samples and decants

  • Fragrance strength is limited - Because these are lower-concentration versions of the original, they will not have the same intensity as the full-sized bottle. Therefore, it might take a few applications to reach the full strength of the scent.
  • Limited shelf life - Unlike perfume samples, which come in a single milliliter size, full-sized perfume bottles have a much longer shelf life. Therefore, if you buy a large bottle, you have a greater chance of it expiring before the date on the bottle.
  • Confusion about strength - It can be confusing to shop for samples and decants if you don’t know much about perfume and how scent strength works. Therefore, it’s important to take note of the information about the fragrance you’re buying.



Where to buy samples and decants

Samples and decants are typically only available from perfume brands and online retailers, though some department stores may also have them for sale. All online retailers will usually have a full list of available samples and decant from different brands, while some may also have a search option to help you find the scent you’re looking for. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to buying samples and decants, and you should aim to find a retailer that has the types of samples you’re looking for and has a good reputation.


Tips for buying samples and decants

  • Make a list - You should always make a list of all the fragrances you want to try before you head out to buy samples and decants. This will help you to prioritize your choices and narrow down the list of brands you want to shop for.
  • Be patient - It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of fragrances available, which can make it harder to find the scent you’re looking for. To avoid this, it’s best to start with a small list of fragrances and then expand as you find the perfect scent for you.
  • Keep it simple - While you can add as many notes and products as youtoant in your shopping list, it’s best not to try to take on too much. Instead, focus on finding the perfect scent for you, whether that’s from a sample le or full-sized bottle.
  • Take your time - It’s easy to rush out to buy samples and decants, but this is often a mistake. Instead, take the time to browse through all the available options, especially if you’re looking for a specific scent.
  • Consider buying a larger bottle - If the sample you’ve chosen has a higher cost, you can always consider buying a full-sized bottle of the same scent. This can help to reduce the risk of you taking too long to decide on a scent and leading to running out of perfume before it expires.



Perfume Samples and Decants are perfect for scent lovers who want to test out a range of fragrances without committing to a full-sized bottle. Because they come in lower concentrations than the full-sized version, they won't last as long, but can still give you a good idea of what the fragrances are like. There are many benefits to buying samples and decants, including the potential to save money, get more variety from the same brand, and avoid investing too much in a scent you may only use once. Where to buy samples and decants varies depending on the type of product you're looking for, so it's important to shop around and find a retailer that has the types of samples you're looking for and has a good reputation.



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