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5 Signals That VPS Hosting Is Time To Switch


You can publish your website online via web hosting, making it accessible to everyone. It is a way to lease or purchase space as well as a domain name for your website on the Internet.

Your websites will be hosted on a server provided by web hosts, however there are many different server solutions available.

"Shared web hosting" is one of the most popular and widely used forms of web hosting services provided by hosting providers and utilized by many start-ups and small enterprises. Shared hosting refers to the hosting of multiple websites on a single server while sharing the server's resources.

The benefit of shared hosting is that it is a cost-effective choice and needs very little in the way of technical expertise.

However, there are a number of drawbacks to shared hosting that may have a negative impact on your company. These include potential security threats, resource constraints that might affect the functionality of the site, limited customer assistance, and a lack of root access (limiting what can be changed on your hosting).

If you presently use shared hosting, it might be time to switch to a managed virtual private server or another hosting package that better supports your company (VPS). Managed VPS is a cost-effective web hosting option that is strong, adaptable, and simple to use.

VPS hosting offers a wide range of advantages to help organizations develop and succeed, including increased productivity and greater performance at a fantastic price. How often should your web hosting plan be upgraded?

The warning signals that it's time to switch from shared hosting to managed VPS hosting are listed below.

The Website Moves Slowly

You might be startled to learn that a mobile site is losing 53% of its consumers because it took longer than three seconds to launch. Customers can become irate after even a brief delay. Your business could be severely harmed by a slow or unreliable website. It may raise the bounce rate, which could hurt your website's search engine optimization and lead to lost revenue.

One of the most crucial aspects to take into account is website speed. The more quickly, the more traffic.

If your website is operating or loading slowly, it may be time to switch from your present web hosting plan and take Managed VPS hosting into consideration. Users that utilize VPS hosting have access to dedicated RAM, more bandwidth, and a more powerful processor, so your website will no longer experience speed-related problems.

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Lots of web traffic

Ideally, as your firm evolves, so will the amount of customers you serve. One of the things that the majority of businesses hope to achieve is high traffic.

However, if you use shared hosting, having a lot of visitors to your website at once can be very difficult. Small businesses with little traffic should use shared hosting. It is advised that you upgrade your plan to Managed VPS hosting as your website traffic increases to guarantee an excellent user experience for all of your visitors.

Unlike shared hosting, managed VPS ensures dedicated resources, allowing your website to function effectively regardless of visitor volume.

Security Concerns

While shared hosting is normally quite secure, it does raise the danger of a cyberattack or your website getting hacked, possibly as a result of something another website owner has done. Shared hosting allows numerous websites to function on a single server.

You should avoid this danger if your website contains customer or financial information.

One of every company's key goals should be to protect its customers' security and privacy, which have recently become increasingly heated concerns. More than ever, it's crucial to safeguard personal information like passwords and credit card numbers.

Managed VPS hosting packages provide security safeguards that shield your website from hackers and other attackers.

In order to better safeguard your system, your personal and professional information, and your customers' data, VPS hosting enables you to install antivirus software.

Website Outages

Another indication that Managed VPS hosting is what you should choose is if your website has had any downtime recently.

A website outage can be disastrous for your company. It might lead to a decline in sales and revenue as well as a loss of customers. This holds true for e-commerce companies in particular.

There is a higher chance of downtime while using shared hosting, which runs numerous websites on a single server.

The majority of Managed VPS plans promise an uptime of around 99.99%, ensuring that your clients can always access your website. The majority of Managed VPS providers can make this uptime guarantee due to their reliable infrastructure, which enables other servers to step in if one server or data center fails.

You Run An Online Store.

Although shared hosting is an option for an e-commerce site, there are some drawbacks to doing so;

Your consumers have few alternatives for making payments

Performance of the site during busy periods and important occasions (when you want to maximize sales eg Black Friday, special offers)

Making sure your website complies with PCI standards in order to gather, process, and store client payment information

possible security hazards as described above

All of these dangers are addressed by managed VPS hosting. You will be able to provide a variety of payment options, and your hosting will be fully secure and isolated from other websites housed on the same server. You have dedicated server resources ensuring constant online performance (as they would be on a shared hosting plan)

To sum up

Your website serves as the public face of your company and serves as a digital storefront. You should always strive to give your customers a wonderful experience.

If you recognise any of the aforementioned symptoms, it may be time to think about Managed VPS hosting.

Considering making the transition to managed VPS hosting? If so, don't search any farther than BeMoreOnline. Our platform offers the greatest web hosting options at extremely affordable prices, including Managed VPS, domains, SSL certificates, and WordPress Web Hosting. We have your back.

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