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Flowers That Are Safe For Pets

Dubai Flowers
Flowers That Are Safe For Pets

Worried that your pet may get sick from eating your plants just as you're getting your green thumb going? It's nothing to be concerned about! The following is a list of flowers that may be safely kept near pets like dogs and cats.


Sunflowers are not harmful to people or animals in any way. The bloom and the seeds of the sunflower are both edible, and in certain cases, the human body may benefit from the ingestion of sunflowers for medical reasons. Tinctures made from sunflower leaves and petals are often used to relieve chest congestion and coughing. Sunflowers are not only safe to eat, but also safe for your pets, making them a great choice for indoor decoration.


While most roses are safe for both humans and pets (apart from the thorns), there are a few exceptions. Ingestion of any rose, including primrose, Christmas rose, desert rose, rosebay and moss rose (a succulent), may be fatal.

If you shut your eyes and picture a bouquet of roses—perhaps one your sweetheart gave you or one you bought to liven up your apartment—know that only shorn flowers are safe for you and your pet.


Orchids are among the safest plants to consume, so don't worry if your pet chooses to give one a little nibble even though it's not recommended that domesticated animals eat any plants. The ASPCA has deemed orchids and other plants in the family Orchidaceae to be safe for pets. The list includes the Brazilian Orchid, Crimson Cattleya, Ruby-lipped Cattleya, Christmas Orchid (also known as Winter Cattleya), Cirrhopetalum (also known as Old World Orchid), Cocktail Orchid, Dancing Doll Orchid, Easter Cattleya (also known as Easter Orchid), Fiery Red Orchid, Scarlet Orchid, Florida Butterfly Orchid, Ghost Leafless Orchid (also known as Leaf).

Gerbera daisy

Gerbera daisies are a cheerful addition to any room, and they won't harm your pet in the process. They come in a variety of bright hues like reds, pinks, and even yellows, and they are round and full of joy. Be sure, nevertheless, that you recognize what sets Gerbera daisies from other types of Daisies. Most common daisies are really chrysanthemums, which contain toxins such as sesquiterpene, lactones, and pyrethrins that are harmful to cats, dogs, and horses. Flowers of the genus Gerbera may range in size from a few inches to as much as seven inches across; they bloom on long, leafless stalks.

Use these lovely flowers as a starting point for both your landscape and your pet's plant tolerance. Visit the best flower shop, flowers shop, and select any of the pet-friendly bouquets from the extensive selection that is certain to make your home more cheerful. 

Dubai Flowers
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