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Are You Old for a Braces Treatment?

Yang Orthodontics
Are You Old for a Braces Treatment?

When you think about braces, what are the mental images that get formed in your head?

A kid with ugly-looking braces. However, that’s just a mental image you have formed in your head based on what is shown and mostly talked about.

Braces are usually orthodontic treatments ideal for growing kids aged between 10-12 years. The ones who have just lost their milk teeth are gaining complex crowding, underbites, or overbites issues. However, the ideal age is that, but there is no age limitation on getting orthodontic treatments.

Let’s clear the air and consider all the elements of Braces Treatment for adults in San Carlos.

1- Never old for braces

There is and has never been any specified age limit for getting braces. You can get orthodontic treatments if you have teeth and need some resort for your teeth issues.

Due to advancements in dentistry, especially in the diagnosis & treatment process of periodontal diseases, patients can potentially keep their natural teeth longer than ever.

The grandparents around us have dentures, our parents have few permanent teeth out of the way, and our generation has all their teeth, but many are filled with crowns, cause of early decay. The kids around us do not have missing teeth or crowns. With the improved condition of dental care, adults can preserve their dental health much longer.

2- Many adults are getting braces

Earlier, the common patient number consisted of kids. Gradually, the period passed & the ages of patients changed with time. Many and many adults prefer braces treatment to preserve their teeth longer. Advance in technology has encouraged many adults to resolve their teeth issues with painless treatments. They get to spend their retirement years in peace.

Try braces in San Carlos for painless teeth worry-free adult life.

3- Treatments for preserving & functioning

The basic reason adults opt for braces treatment is to preserve what they have left.

They want their natural teeth to function & survive more, so getting orthodontic treatments with advanced technology seems feasible.

Most adults were referred by their doctor to visit an orthodontist to maintain oral hygiene, prevent wear out due to bad bites, or need teeth removal for other procedures. But a few also realize that they want to change something about their smile and consider getting braces in San Carlos.

4- Treatment goals are different

The braces treatment in adults is not similar to younger patients. The options they get are common for both, with few exceptions. You can’t correct posterior crossbites with expanders alone.

The expansion process is not easy for adults. They require surgical options to open up mid-palate sutures. Following the same procedure used in younger patients will not turn effective. Thus, the treatment goals also need to be discussed while an adult considers teeth alignment treatments.

Parting Say

To get braces treatment in San Carlos, Yang Orthodontists is the ideal location.

They provide you with all the adult-based elements mentioned above. For more information on other treatment options, go through the website.

Kyle Miller is the author of this article. For more details about Adult Orthodontics in Redwood City, CA Please visit our website: orthodontistrwc.com

Yang Orthodontics
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