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Learn How to Relax Quickly

Hugh Grant

These 9 methods will help you remain more composed in the face of stressful situations.

On occasion, everyone experiences feelings of tension and anger. It results from our constantly packed schedules and dealing with external factors beyond our control.

Hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are secreted in response to emotional or physical stress, and their presence can heighten the experience of being overwhelmed. Other symptoms, such as fatigue, irritability, and depression, may also present themselves. Long-term stress has been linked to weight gain, heart problems, and other chronic illnesses. Negative effects on your mental health, career, and relationships can result from stress that goes untreated, in addition to the obvious physical health risks.

Those words, "Just calm down," are the last thing you want to hear when you're feeling stressed, anxious, scared, or nervous, or when you have the urge to lash out. That plan always fails. However, here are 9 techniques for calming down that actually work, and they work quickly too.

Do nothing but take a few deep breaths. It seems completely normal to take a breath. However, there is such a thing as "mindful breathing," which can instantly reduce stress and anxiety. The "relaxing breath," also called a "4-7-8 breath," is a highly efficient breathing technique.

Try taking a slow, deep breath in through your nose for 4 seconds.

For the next 7 seconds, do not breathe.

Make a "whooshing" sound as you exhale forcefully through your mouth for 8 seconds.

Repetition required

Please close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath in and out. Effectiveness is beyond question. If you run out of time while counting to a certain number, try counting backwards from that number instead. Just switching your focus away from your worries for a few minutes can do wonders for your mood.

Try some gum out. Chewing gum, even at a slow, methodical pace, has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, helping you to maintain focus and calmness amidst stress. You'll be less tempted to treat yourself to a tub of ice cream or a round of drinks when you're feeling overwhelmed by the emotions that stress brings up.

Connect with a pal, ideally one who can make you laugh. A moment of peace is often all it takes to pick up the phone and call a loved one. Research has shown that the "feel-good chemicals" in our brains, called endorphins, are released in response to humor, allowing us to relax and feel better.

Consider the aroma of lavender. Try relaxing with a lavender candle or a lavender-infused bath. Lavender, along with chamomile, rose, ylang-ylang, and citrus, is one of the aromatherapy's top stars for relieving stress.

Obtain a furry friend and settle in for the night. The release of stress hormones and the resulting feeling of calm can be achieved in as little as 10 minutes of petting your furry friend.

Play some soothing tunes. Put on some music you enjoy, but avoid anything with a fast tempo or downbeat lyrics. Relax, shut your eyes, and take in the music and the words. Feel free to join in if you like. Singing has been shown to trigger the release of feel-good endorphins in the brain.

To keep your body in good shape, you should exercise it regularly. Doing any kind of physical activity can be a great stress reliever. Consider taking a 15-minute break to go for a brisk walk around the block; not only will you get some exercise, but the clean air will do wonders for your mental state. Jumping jacks, running the stairs, or riding an exercise bike are all great ways to stay active when you can't get outside.

Do some mental and spiritual work. Do something relaxing like yoga, meditation, journaling, getting a massage, a pedicure, or just taking a nap.

Try other methods that may help you deal with stress and anxiety for the long term if you don't find these to be effective. Eat healthily, stay away from booze and caffeine, work out frequently, get plenty of sleep, and consult a therapist if you feel the need.

Hugh Grant
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