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An overview of infertility treatments and various types of infertility

Arnab Mukherjee
An overview of infertility treatments and various types of infertility

Couples, at first, are over the blue moon, when they are busy planning for a child. Excitement and enthusiasm tend to fade when repeated attempts do not yield any fruitful results. According to medical experts, infertility sets in, when couples do not manage to conceive after trying for a year. No sooner the news breaks to the couples, for them, the world appears darker and hopeless. However, not all is lost, as infertility treatments can offer a solution to infertility. Here, we will introduce you to the various types of infertility, their causes, treatments, and everything relevant to the issue. Furthermore, you can get to know more about infertility when you go to this page.

The types of infertility

To put it in a nutshell, infertility can be classified into male infertility, female infertility, secondary infertility, and unexplained infertility. Let us take a detailed look at each one of them.

Male Infertility: For many years, the term infertility had been associated with females. Later, it was learned, males can also become infertile owing to various reasons. According to reports, male infertility is solely responsible for a staggering 40% of cases of infertility. Several factors can lead to male infertility. The notable ones are low sperm count, poor sperm quality, and blockages in the reproductive system. Additionally, it can also affect males due to genetic abnormalities, hormonal imbalances, and an undisciplined lifestyle.

Low sperm count or poor sperm quality is the most common aspect leading to infertility in men. We have already mentioned the reasons above that might lead to this condition. Likewise, if a male has blockages in their reproductive system, infertility will loom large. Usually, it yields due to injuries, genetic abnormalities, and many other reasons. Often, it requires surgical intervention to overcome the issue.

Female Infertility: It accounts for nearly 60% of infertility. Women's infertility is again related to a wide array of conditions like ovulation disorders, fallopian tube damage or blockages, and endometriosis. The other responsible factors are similar to the ones mentioned in the male infertility section.

In women, the prime culprit leading to infertility issues in ovulation. Again, various aspects that include hormonal imbalances, stress, and certain medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS contribute to developing infertility. Lastly, blockages in the fallopian tubes are also the secondary reason for female infertility. Another condition, endometriosis also plays a major role in making a woman infertile.

Unexplained Infertility: As the name suggests, even the best of doctors after evaluation cannot determine the reasons leading to infertility. Globally, at least 20% of the population suffers from the above-mentioned condition. It can be one of the most frustrating experiences for couples, as there isn’t any treatment on offer. In such cases, couples can opt for assisted reproductive technologies like IVF and try to achieve pregnancy.

Secondary infertility: In this condition, a couple has a child, but during their attempts to have more children they fail repeatedly. Sources point out; more than 30% of the population suffers from secondary infertility.

The main causes of secondary infertility are no different from those of primary infertility mentioned above. Generally, the age factor can be the main reason for it. Since a woman after the age of 35 tends to have poor egg reserves, the chances of conceiving decline accordingly. Then again, it is the age when most women start experiencing various health-related issues. To sum up, secondary infertility occurs due to all the aforesaid reasons.

Things to do after being diagnosed with infertility

Instead, of going into a shell, and pondering what might have led to developing infertility, couples should consult an expert fertility specialist. The initial step would be to identify the core cause of the problem. Generally, couples have to undergo various diagnostic tests, like semen analysis for men, ovulation monitoring for women, and tests to evaluate the condition of the reproductive organs of both partners. After the results are out, the doctor can customize the best treatment plan to overcome infertility.

Treatments for infertility

Now, that you are aware of the various types of infertility, here are the available treatment options. During this period, it is essential to take care of their mental health, as couples understandably become depressed when they learn about their infertility. Presently, the available treatment options are plentiful, and chances are it will help them to overcome their woes and manage to fulfill their wish of delivering a healthy child.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

Assisted Reproductive Technology comes with a bunch of treatment facilities and is now the prime method of treating infertility. IVF is the most popular and successful method, including some others. In the above-mentioned procedure, a woman's eggs are removed and fertilized in a laboratory with sperm from her partner or a donor. The resulting embryos are then transferred back to the woman's uterus.

Other methods to treat infertility.

Some of the other forms of ART methods include intrauterine insemination (IUI), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). In the case of IUI, the health care specialist does the needful to place the sperm directly into the uterus. The ICSI procedure involves injecting a single sperm into an egg. As you can expect, each of these methods can address a number of infertility conditions, regardless of their type.

Some of the other treatments in addition to ART for treating infertility can be hormone therapy. It facilitates ovulation and thus enhances the likelihood of conceiving. Last but not the least, surgery can also be an option where the doctor aims to remove the obstacles that cause infertility like fibroids or endometriosis.

Making a personal attempt

It may sound untrue, but according to experts, treating infertility does not always require medical intervention. By introducing lifestyle changes couples can defeat the “demon” called infertility with elan. Practicing means maintaining a healthy weight, and quitting bad habits like smoking and alcohol can do wonders in boosting fertility. 








Arnab Mukherjee
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