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India Fantasy Sports Market: Industry Trends and Forecast 2023

don tailor
India Fantasy Sports Market: Industry Trends and Forecast 2023

The Indian fantasy sports market has experienced significant growth in recent years and is expected to continue growing in the coming years. According to a report by the Indian Federation of Sports Gaming (IFSG) and AC Nielsen, the fantasy sports market in India was estimated to be worth around $1.5 billion in 2019, with a user base of around 100 million players. By 2025, the market is expected to reach $5 billion in value. Let us move forward and look at an overview of the fantasy sports market in India, and the forecast and trends of the fantasy sports market. 

Fantasy Sports Market: An Overview

Fantasy sports games involve creating a virtual team of real-life players from a particular sport, and earning points based on the performance of those players in actual matches. Cricket is the most popular sport for fantasy sport in India, followed by football, kabaddi, and basketball. The popularity of fantasy sports can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing availability of affordable smartphones and data plans, the rise of digital payments and online transactions, and the growing interest in sports among the Indian population. 

Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated the growth of fantasy sports, as people looked for new forms of entertainment while staying at home. The Indian fantasy sports market is dominated by two major players, Dream11 and MPL (Mobile Premier League), which together account for over 90% of the market share. Other players in the market include Vision11, MyTeam11, FanFight, and BalleBaazi. 

However, the industry has faced some challenges, including concerns about the legality of fantasy sports, as some states have banned or restricted them, citing gambling laws. Additionally, there have been concerns about the potential for addiction and the impact on the mental health of players, particularly among young people. Despite these challenges, the Indian fantasy sports market is expected to continue growing in the coming years, driven by the increasing popularity of sports and the growing adoption of digital technology.

Click here to read more- India Fantasy Sports Market: Industry Trends and Forecast 2023

don tailor
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