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What is use of MAT Exam? | GIBS Bangalore-Top PGDM College in Bangalore

Pradeep Khadaria

What is the Management Aptitude Test and is it worth it?

The All India Management Association (AIMA) organizes the Management Aptitude Test (MAT), a prestigious national examination for aspiring MBA and PGDM students. Successful candidates can gain admission to over 800 associated colleges.

Unlike annual exams, the MAT is held four times a year, making it an attractive option for students seeking more flexibility. The exam can be taken in three different modes: offline (paper-based), online (computer-based), or remotely proctored (Internet-based). Though the prices and content of the exam remain the same across all modes, the dates may vary with each attempt.

One of the primary reasons why candidates prefer the MAT over other similar exams is because of its flexibility. They have multiple opportunities to improve their scores and enhance their chances of getting admitted into their preferred top business college, as there is no limit on the number of attempts allowed.

What Qualifies You for This Exam?

  • This test is open to candidates who have finished their graduation or are in their last year of graduation.
  • To be qualified for this exam, candidates must have a minimum of a 50% aggregate in their bachelor’s degree.
  • The minimum aggregate marks necessary for candidates from the SC/ST and PwD categories is 45 percent, or a CGPA equal to this.
  • Because there is no maximum age limit for admission to MBA/PGDM programmes, there is no maximum age limit for taking this exam. To take this exam, however, a candidate must be at least 20 years old. (In order to meet the minimal graduation requirement.)
  • This examination does not require any previous work experience. Work experience, on the other hand, is generally beneficial during the college interview process.
  • Candidates who have previously attempted the MAT but had poor results are also able to retake the exam as many times as they like.

GIBS — B School in Bangalore is the Best PGDM College catering to dual specialization in various disciplines. Our model highlights the uniqueness and independence of each student to thrive in the corporate sector. Enhance yourself with industry-aligned management programs- Apply Now!

Pradeep Khadaria
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