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The Next Frontier: AI-Driven Data Center Technologies

The Next Frontier: AI-Driven Data Center Technologies

In this digital age data center services have been the foundation of many companies, enabling every aspect of online retail to social media to financial transactions as well as healthcare services.

But, given the exponential increase in data volume and ever-growing demand for real-time data processing traditional models for data centers struggle with the demands of today. AI provides turnkey solutions to allow organizations to optimize their data center services by increasing the efficiency of energy, cutting costsand increasing sustainability. We'll look at the ways that AI transforms the world of data center services as well as how the AI integration of immersion cooling can assist businesses in unlocking their full potential.

What Does AI Mean for Data Centers?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the broad field of science that aims to replicate human capabilities and Machine Learning (ML) is an aspect of AI which teaches machines to learn. As more companies adopt smart computers, increase their offerings, and move your infrastructure to cloud or edge the data that is stored and processed to power these machines is increasing exponentially.

Companies can benefit from AI-based solutions to manage their daily operations, increase effectiveness and efficiency, improve user experience, and discover insights that lead to improvements across all industries.

Data Center Automation Market Growth

According to reports from industry sources that the data center automation of data centers market was worth 6.8 billion dollars in 2021. The market is predicted to expand at a CAGR of 13.5 percent from 2022 until 2030.

Growth drivers for AI-based data center services include:

  • The rapid adoption of network technology 5G The rapid deployment of 5G network technologies
  • The use of computing with high performance The adoption of high-performance computing
  • The development of hybrid cloud infrastructures The rise of hybrid cloud architectures

How AI Can Optimize Data Center Services

AI/ML technologies bring enormous value, allowing administrators of data centers to create efficient, self-sustaining infrastructures to achieve greater efficiency as well as sustainability and scalability. Here are the top motives for data center businesses to make the switch to AI.

Resource Management & Planning

Companies are faced with limited resources for managing changing compute density as well as data storage and networking capacity in the event that business requirements evolve. AI will help you increase the capacity of your data center to efficiently plan and implement the resources you require including power, space and cooling, to maximize profits and ensure sustainable operations. AI-integrated software offers valuable data that can be used to improve

  • Make the most of the space within your facility while ensuring the environment's conditions, including the temperature and humidity.
  • Forecast and plan the power consumption in the future by analyzing historical and current data

Asset Performance Management (APM)

APM comprises data collection, analytics integration, visualization, and analytics to increase the availability and reliability of the physical IT assets. Utilizing AI/ML software to manage assets management is a great way to

  • extends the lifespan of IT components by actively identifying and fixing operating parameters that could possibly limit their useability.
  • Automatically inform your when you know that an asset is in need of repair, maintenance or replacement based on the operating condition.
  • Find out the current operating conditions, such as the energy consumption of individuals or groups of assets, and detect anomalies by keeping track of real-time information.

Sustainability & Energy Efficiency

In light of the increasing concern about the effects of global warming as well as climate changes, companies are working to minimize the environmental impact from their data centre operations and ensure that they are carbon neutral without impacting efficiency. Based on IBM Global AI Adoption Index 66% of the companies have either implemented or are planning to implement AI to meet sustainability objectives.

New cooling options, such as Immersion data centers are designed to improve the efficiency of cooling, improve the performance of hardware, and decrease the energy use. In addition , to using the technology of liquid immersion cooling data centers are also increasing the use of custom-built immersion cooling systems that use an AI-based Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software to maximize efficiency and reach carbon neutrality more quickly and easily.

AI as well as immersion cooling can increase the energy efficiency of data centers through the use of

  • Monitoring the effectiveness of your power usage (PUE) and monitoring the effect of manual adjustments to the parameters that your assets operate under.
  • Determine which are best conditions for every asset so that they can minimize energy consumption while still meeting standards of performance for each asset (maintaining the ideal temperatures as well as humidity)
  • Alerts automatically or corrects systems that are consuming too much energy to make the most use of CPUs, and reduce energy consumption.
  • Enabling completely autonomous lighting-out operations that streamline manuel tasks

How to Implement AI in Your Data Center

AI-powered software is able to help the data center manage its cooling and infrastructure systems to increase productivity and provide significant savings in energy and costs. Many AI-based solutions feature incredible computing speeds and provide useful information that allows for continuous improvement for all operating systems.

If your company is equipped with an infrastructure that is scalable and has high-end processing equipment, AI-based solutions will allow them to operate more efficiently. Businesses that plan to use AI must consider making a reliable and adaptable infrastructure that is compatible with AI-based applications or apps.

The software platform of TMGcore offers unprecedented equipment density which allows the creation of larger clusters than the ones created by traditional cooling techniques and connections.

TMGcore Immersion Data Solutions

TMGcore is known as the Home of Immersion, is an award-winning manufacturer of the latest generation of high-performance computing platforms that are built with the technology of liquid immersion cooling.

The solutions for OTTO ready offer customers comprehensive, complete turnkey packages and solutions that include purpose-built HPC platforms, components and software to enable AI/ML capabilities in all fields.

End-to end engineered software and hardware solutions offered by TMGcore are guaranteed by top-quality service and warranty. They are designed to help your digital infrastructure become more efficient more durable, more resilient, and more able to give you an edge in your market. Are you ready to get involved? Contact us today to start.

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