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Fun Activities In Kullu Manali

Fun Activities In Kullu Manali


Manali is a popular destination for adventure enthusiasts, offering a wide range of fun sports that you can enjoy.

1.   Skydiving In Manali

Skydiving in Manali is a thrilling experience that allows you to see the beautiful landscape of the Himalayan mountains from a completely different perspective. There are a few options for skydiving in Manali, with the most popular being tandem skydiving, which involves jumping out of a plane while attached to an experienced instructor.

The best time to go skydiving in Manali is between the months of May and October when the weather is clear and the skies are blue. The jump usually takes place at an altitude of around 10,000 to 11,000 feet and gives you a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains.

Before you go skydiving in Manali, it's important to ensure that you are physically fit and have no medical conditions that may prevent you from participating. You will also need to undergo a brief training session before the jump to ensure that you are comfortable with the equipment and understand the safety procedures.

Overall, skydiving in Manali is a thrilling and unforgettable experience that is sure to get your heart racing and leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.

2.   Rafting Paragliding In Manali

Manali is a popular destination for adventure sports enthusiasts, and two of the most popular activities to do in the region are rafting and paragliding.

Rafting paragliding in Manali is a thrilling experience that allows you to navigate the rapids of the Beas River. The river offers rapids ranging from grade I to grade IV, making it suitable for beginners as well as experienced rafters. The best time for rafting in Manali is from April to June and September to November when the water levels are suitable for rafting. Many adventure companies offer rafting packages that include equipment, guides, and transportation.

Paragliding in kullu is another popular activity that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Solang Valley is the most popular destination for paragliding in Manali, and the best time for paragliding is from March to June and September to November. Experienced instructors provide training and equipment, and the flight usually lasts around 10-15 minutes.

Overall, rafting and paragliding in Manali are two of the most popular adventure sports activities in the region, offering adrenaline-filled experiences and unforgettable views of the stunning Himalayan landscape. Whether you're an experienced rafter or paraglider, or a first-timer looking to try something new, Manali is an excellent destination for adventure sports.

Price Of Paragliding In Manali

The price of paragliding in Manali can vary depending on the service provider and the package you choose. However, generally, the cost of paragliding in Manali ranges from INR 1500 to INR 3000 per person.

The cost typically includes the cost of equipment rental, the services of an experienced instructor, and transportation to the take-off point. Many adventure sports companies offer different packages, including different flight durations and additional services such as photos and videos.

It's always a good idea to do some research and compare prices from different providers to ensure you're getting the best value for your money. Additionally, it's important to check the safety record and reputation of the service provider to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience.

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