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Robert sager
Gums Treatment

Gums Treatment - How to Prevent Gum Recession

Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth, exposing them to decay. It also damages the tissue and bone that hold the teeth in place, which can lead to tooth loss.

Receding gums are a serious dental condition that should not be ignored. The good news is that there are a number of treatment options available.


Gum recession is a common dental issue that affects many people, and it can be difficult to identify in its early stages. It can cause your teeth to appear larger than normal, expose the roots of your teeth and even lead to tooth sensitivity.

Fortunately, gum recession is treatable and can be reversed if it is caught in its early stages. To prevent gum recession and help your gums heal, you can follow a healthy diet and maintain a regular oral care routine.

Hormonal changes like puberty, pregnancy and menopause can also contribute to gum recession. Women who go through these fluctuations often experience heightened sensitivity in their gums, which can make them more susceptible to gingivitis and gum disease.

Grinding and clenching your teeth, such as with bruxism, can also increase your risk for gum recession. Luckily, it is easy to remedy these habits with the use of a mouthguard.

A healthy lifestyle can also help you prevent gum recession and other dental problems. You should eat a balanced diet, avoid tobacco and take care of your teeth and gums at all times.

Your dentist may recommend a deep cleaning (tooth scaling and root planing) to remove plaque that is causing chronic irritation and bone loss in your gums. The procedure also smoothes the surface of your teeth and root to make it harder for bacteria to build up.

Some patients with advanced gum recession require surgical treatment by a periodontist. If this is the case, your dentist can perform a procedure called the Chao Pinhole technique to repair and restore the gum tissue that is losing its support. You can also ask your dentist about a number of other treatments for receding gums, including soft tissue grafts and medication.

Treatment Options

Gum recession is a serious condition that can lead to tooth decay and other oral health problems. This is why it's important to get treatment as soon as possible, so that the underlying cause can be treated and the recession can be reversed.

There are many causes of gum recession, including poor dental hygiene habits, periodontal disease and genetics. Fortunately, there are several treatment options for gum recession, which can help you maintain a healthy smile and prevent the need for more extensive dentistry.

Mild cases of gum recession can be addressed by a deep cleaning and using desensitizing toothpaste to help reduce the sensations of pain or sensitivity. In more severe cases, your dentist may recommend a tissue graft to cover the area where the gums are receding and encourage new growth.

Whether you have mild or severe gum recession, your dentist will conduct a thorough examination and check for any signs of gum disease or other issues. If the problem is a result of poor brushing or poor dental care, they will recommend adjustments to your oral hygiene routine and recommend products to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy.

If you're suffering from gum recession, schedule a consultation with your dentist right away so that they can find the best treatment for your needs. You can also prevent gum recession by maintaining good dental hygiene and by visiting your dentist regularly for regular dental exams.

Regardless of the cause of your gum recession, there are a variety of treatments available to treat and reverse the situation. If you are experiencing symptoms of gum recession, be sure to schedule a consultation with your Edina dentist as soon as possible so that they can determine the cause and provide the best treatment for your specific case. For more information click here

Professional Treatment

Gum recession is a major concern for many patients as it not only affects the appearance of your smile, but can also lead to other dental issues, such as tooth loss. This is because the root of a tooth becomes exposed when gum tissue starts to recede, making it less protected against decay and other damage.

There are several professional treatments available for recession gums, each one chosen based on the cause of your condition. There are options for both mild and severe cases of receding gums, each aiming to repair the damage and promote healthy gum tissue.

Scaling and root planing, also known as a deep cleaning, is an effective procedure that involves removing all the plaque and hardened tartar from the tooth and smoothing down the roots. This helps reduce the amount of bacteria that can attach to the teeth and gums, which can help prevent infections.

Another treatment option is pocket depth reduction, which is most useful when periodontal disease has caused moderate tissue loss. During this procedure, the pockets that form around the teeth are cleaned out using special tools and a regenerative material is placed over the area to encourage tissue regrowth.

In more severe cases, soft tissue grafts may be recommended to restore missing gum tissue. During this surgery, your dentist takes a sample of tissue from a donor and sutures it to the gum line. It is then given time to integrate with the existing gum tissue and raise your gum line to a healthier level.

Some causes of gum recession are genetics, body piercing, smoking, overly aggressive brushing, periodontal disease, and even orthodontic treatment (such as braces). Whatever the cause, our team is here to provide you with the best possible oral care for your gums and teeth.

Home Remedies

Receding gums are a condition that causes pain and inflammation in your mouth. It can also lead to tooth loss if not treated.

There are a few natural home remedies that may help treat receding gums and improve your oral health. These treatments can be used alongside standard medical and surgical treatment for gum disease.

Oil pulling is a popular remedy for receding gums and has been shown to be effective in treating gingivitis (gum inflammation). The technique involves swishing oil around your mouth and then spitting it out.

Baking soda is another common home remedy that can help remove plaque and prevent gum disease. It can also help control bad breath and strengthen your teeth.

Lemon oil can also be used to treat gum recession. However, it should not be used too often because it can damage your teeth’s enamel.

Saltwater rinses are a great way to kill bacteria and soothe gum inflammation. Simply mix a half a teaspoon of salt in warm water and use it to rinse your mouth. Rinse your mouth with it two to three times a day until you see a reduction in swelling and inflammation.

Aloe vera is a good choice for swollen gums because it has anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps heal your gums, reduce bleeding, and relieve discomfort.

Vitamin C is a critical vitamin for your overall health and is essential for preventing gum disease, inflammation, and swelling. It can be found in a variety of foods, including oranges, peppers, broccoli, and tomatoes.

You can also take a supplement to boost your levels of Vitamin C. This vitamin is a vital antioxidant that promotes healthy gum tissue, reduces the symptoms of gingivitis, and aids in tooth-to-gum attachment. If you don’t have enough Vitamin C in your diet, consider adding more fruits and vegetables to your meals.


Gum recession can be a serious problem if left untreated. It can lead to a wide range of issues from sensitive teeth and poor oral health to gum disease and even tooth loss. However, the good news is that you can prevent gum recession with some simple steps.

First, eat a healthy diet. This will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to fight infections and keep your teeth strong.

Secondly, brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste. Be gentle and make sure to pay attention to the areas between your teeth and under your gums, as this is where bacteria like to cling.

You should also floss at least once a day to get rid of food debris between your teeth and around the gum line. Your dentist or hygienist may recommend an interdental cleaner, such as a dental pick, to get in those hard-to-reach spots.

Finally, avoid certain foods that promote gum problems. These include sweets, highly acidic foods and drinks, and some types of tobacco products.

Eating a healthy diet can lower your risk of gum disease, which is the most common cause of recession and can eventually result in lost teeth. This is because the bacteria in plaque can destroy the gum tissue and bone that support your teeth.

There are many ways to treat gum recession, including antibiotics, medicated mouthwashes, and surgery. It is best to visit your dentist as soon as you notice any changes in your mouth, as they will be able to spot the problem before it gets worse. They can also treat the underlying cause of your recession to ensure you have a healthy mouth and teeth for years to come.


In conclusion, gum recession can be a serious problem if left untreated and can lead to tooth loss. However, it is possible to prevent gum recession by eating a healthy diet, regularly brushing and flossing your teeth, avoiding certain foods that promote gum problems, and visiting your dentist for regular checkups. There are also various home remedies that can help treat gum disease, such as lemon oil, saltwater rinses, aloe vera, and Vitamin C supplements. By following these steps, you can have healthier gums and a stronger smile.

Robert sager
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