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Voltas Water Dispenser: Features, Benefits, and Buying Guide

Voltas Water Dispenser: Features, Benefits, and Buying Guide

As a leading provider of home appliances, Voltas offers a wide range of water dispensers that cater to different needs and preferences. From sleek designs to advanced features, there is a Voltas water dispenser for everyone. In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and buying guide of Voltas water dispensers, helping you make an informed decision.

Features of Voltas Water Dispenser

Voltas water dispensers are packed with features that make them a must-have appliance for any household or office. Here are some of the features that set Voltas water dispensers apart from the competition:

Cooling and Heating Mechanism

The Voltas water dispenser comes with a cooling and heating mechanism that ensures that you get hot or cold water whenever you need it. This feature is especially useful during the summer months when you need cold water to quench your thirst or during winters when you need hot water for your tea or coffee.

Large Storage Tank

The Voltas water dispenser comes with a large storage tank that can hold up to 10 to 15 liters of water, depending on the model you choose. This means that you don’t have to refill the dispenser frequently, saving you time and effort.

Child Lock

The child lock feature ensures that your little ones do not accidentally turn on the dispenser and hurt themselves. This feature is especially useful if you have young children at home.

LED Display

The LED display on the Voltas water dispenser shows you the water temperature, which can be easily adjusted according to your preference. This feature makes it easy to use the dispenser, even for first-time users.

Benefits of Voltas Water Dispenser

The benefits of owning a Voltas water dispenser are numerous. Here are some of the most important benefits:


One of the most significant benefits of owning a Voltas water dispenser is the convenience it offers. You no longer have to boil water or wait for it to cool down. With a Voltas water dispenser, you can get hot or cold water instantly, whenever you need it.

Health and Hygiene

A Voltas water dispenser ensures that you get clean and hygienic water every time. The dispenser comes with a water filtration system that removes impurities, making the water safe for consumption.

Saves Space

A Voltas water dispenser is compact and saves space. It is designed to fit into any corner of your room, making it an ideal appliance for small apartments or offices.

Saves Money

Investing in a Voltas water dispenser can help you save money in the long run. You no longer have to buy bottled water, which can be expensive. With a Voltas water dispenser, you can get clean and hygienic water at a fraction of the cost.

Buying Guide for Voltas Water Dispenser

When buying a Voltas water dispenser, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Here is a buying guide that can help you make an informed decision:


The capacity of the water dispenser is an essential factor to consider. If you have a large family or office, you might want to opt for a dispenser with a larger storage tank.

Cooling and Heating Mechanism

Make sure that the Voltas water dispenser you choose has an efficient cooling and heating mechanism. This feature ensures that you get hot or cold water instantly.

Filtration System

The filtration system of the Voltas water dispenser should be efficient in removing impurities and ensuring that the water is safe for consumption.

Child Lock

If you have young children at home, make sure that the Voltas water dispenser you choose comes with a child lock feature.

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