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Modular Construction: Build Your Modular Prefab Home

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Modular Construction: Build Your Modular Prefab Home

Modular Construction is constructing a structure off-site under controlled plant conditions before transferring and implementing it at its exact location. This construction style can include various building types and floor patterns. Buildings are created in "modules" that, when assembled on site, represent the exact design intent and requirements of the most advanced site-built facility without any compromise.

Benefits of Modular Construction

  • Project delays caused by bad weather conditions and other onsite problems occur. At the time modular construction no need to worry about project delays due to bad weather.

  • Modular construction allows multiple building parts to be built simultaneously, reducing the time required to complete a project.

  • Modular construction is suitable for remote locations where on-site construction would be difficult or expensive. Constructing away from these areas also allows employees to work where medical and sanitary facilities are more quickly available.

  • Modular structures can be expanded over time or even treated as relocatable structures that can be easily refurbished to meet changing needs.

  • Compared to traditional builds, modular constructions have been shown to save more than 50% in time, with the added benefit of cost savings.

  • Factory settings enable a higher quality product through improved operating processes and monitoring while people work in a more pleasant environment. Construction can also be extended 24 hours a day, seven days a week, if necessary, to complete a project.

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