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Green Vision Life Sciences Pvt Ltd: Environment Division

Green Vision India
Green Vision Life Sciences Pvt Ltd: Environment Division

Green Vision's environment division works in R&D, product development, manufacturing , testing and analysis services and consultancy related to various aspects in environmental sciences. Critical waste management, pollution control, dust control, and odor control are our targeted areas. We achieve this goal with our multidisciplinary team having expertise in chemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, and environmental science.

Our environment division works in research and development, product development, manufacturing testing, and analysis services and consultancy related to various aspects of environmental sciences. Critical waste management, pollution control, dust control, and odor control are our targeted areas. We achieve this goal with our multidisciplinary team having expertise in chemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, and environmental science.

Environment division manufactures various products addressing following problems.

  • Composting of agricultural and domestic waste.
  • Dust management
  • Critical waste management
  • Odor removal
  • Scale removal



What is greeNOscale?

GreeNOscale is a descaler that removes the scale formed due to water. It cleans scales like calcium scale, water scale, mud, rust, and limescale. It is non-hazardous, non-toxic and biodegradable material.


What is greeNOfly?

GreeNOfly is an organic fly control product that controls houseflies. greeNOfly is prepared from the extract of various medicinal plants and 100% environment-friendly and biodegradable.


What is greeNOdust?

GreeNOdust is an organic dust suppressant, which suppresses dust and keeps the environment clean, prevents dust hazards to workers and makes dusty places convenient to work. It is a nonhazardous and biodegradable product. Its high molecular weight formula traps and binds dust particle and make them settle on the ground. It causes dust control and soil stabilization.


What is NOdor?

NOdor is prepared from biodegradable environment-friendly material having the capability of adsorbing odor from a variety of materials like organic chemicals, fermentation, and other biological processes, etc.


What is SoluScume?

Detergents, that claim to dissolve grease, simply move pass grease down the pipe and create a larger problem downstream. We had developed a combined approach to have a sustainable solution to this issue. The product con-tains cellulosic culture and also concentrated enzyme solution which fights with scum formation and effectively degrades cellulosic material.

Green Vision India
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