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This Is The Must-See Sights On Your Delhi To Kedarnath Trip

This Is The Must-See Sights On Your Delhi To Kedarnath Trip

The Kedarnath trip from Delhi will live on in your memories for a very long time because of its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural legacy, and spiritual significance. While visiting these two famous cities, one should stop at all the gorgeous locations along the way. Here is a list of some places you absolutely must visit while travelling:

  • Auli ☃ : Auli, which is situated at a height of around 5500 feet above sea level, is best characterised as “heaven on earth” because of its snow-capped mountains and verdant meadows. Every year in the winter, when it transforms into a skiers’ paradise, it comes to life!
  • Har Ki Pauri : Har ki Pauri is located in Hardwar along the banks of the Ganga. This Kedarnath from Delhi serves as the starting place for pilgrims embarking on the Char Dham Yatra🛕 . Lord Shiva devotees congregate here every evening for the mesmerising ganga arati ceremony, which offers beautiful visuals and a serene atmosphere to be cherished forever!
  • Rudraprayag : This is one of the five “prayags” in Uttarakhand and is a small village between the confluence of the Alaknanda and Mandakini rivers🌅. For devotees of Lord Shiva, it is the most significant pilgrimage site because it is a gateway to Kedarnath.
  • Badrinath🛕 : Adi Shankracharya constructed the Badrinarayan temple in Badrinath, which is thought to be the holiest of the four dhams.The picturesque town’s mountainous surroundings offer unmatched spiritual experiences as well as amazing peace.
  • Valley Of Flowers National Park🌷 : Covering an area of 87 square kilometres, this park welcomes visitors from all over the world from June to October. Your heart will be enraptured by this location’s magnificent splendour forever! A feast for nature enthusiasts, more than 300 distinct flower species are in bloom throughout various height zones.
  • Kedarnath Temple🛕 : This historic Hindu shrine to Lord Shiva is located in the Garhwal Himalayan range at an elevation of about 11000 feet above sea level.When the doors are opened after the winter season has ended, thousands of worshippers come to this small but revered temple each year to seek divine favours. Definitely a unique experience!

These magnificent locations should unquestionably be seen when travelling to Kedarnath because they will make your journey even more energising. Every rest stop has a unique spirit that must be felt or experienced when visiting. Therefore, when travelling from Delhi to Kedarnath trip , make sure you carefully organise your itinerary and include these locations.

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