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Sonu Sood Charity Trust | Sonu Sood Help India | Sood Charity Foundation


Sonu Sood Charity Trust

, founded by Bollywood actor Sonu Sood is deeply committed to its cause of providing healthcare, education and career opportunities.

We are a versatile, young company that is bursting with energy and the conviction that anything is achievable with enough willpower!

Serving the Masses - Giving everyone in the nation access to cutting-edge medical treatment, education, jobs, and technological developments.

Work During the Pandemic - During the pandemic, our founder Sonu Sood helped many families by acting as a support system. His desire to aid people all around the nation has inspired him to launch numerous programmes to assist people of all statures, including giving them access to cutting-edge tools. The Sood Charity Foundation has assisted thousands of people all over the world and is constantly working to increase awareness, give aid to those in need, and inspire many more people to join us in helping the human race.

Vision and Mission

Our mission is to transform the lives of the disadvantaged by empowering them with essential tools required to lead a healthy and productive life. Through these measures, we strive to create a progressive community and encourage individuals to look beyond their economic limitations. Through our work, we wish to ignite a spirit of altruism and a sense of humanism amongst citizens.

Our vision is to lay down a path for the underprivileged by aiding them to access better quality education, provide career opportunities, and support a functioning healthcare system. We take our efforts with the aim of helping these individuals to attain self-reliance.

Actor and philanthropist, Sonu Sood founded the Sood Charity Foundation to build a brighter path for the poor and underprivileged. Contact us

 to contribute in our mission by becoming a volunteer for Sood Charity Foundation.

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