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How to Properly Store and Maintain Your Pool Pump During the Off-Season

Dolphin Pools
How to Properly Store and Maintain Your Pool Pump During the Off-Season

It's a sad fact of life that pools need to be cleaned and maintained every year. In order for your pool to stay clean, though, you have to take care of it during the off-season as well. You probably know how pool pump repairs Melbourne can maintain your pool pump but do you know how to properly store it? If not, then read on!

Store the pump where it won't freeze

Storing your pump in a dry place is the most important thing you can do to ensure that it will be ready to go when you are. The best way to accomplish this is by storing it where it won't freeze, like in your house (if possible), or at least in the garage. If neither of those options is available, then make sure that your pump is on a dry surface and not sitting directly on concrete or dirt.

If possible, try not leaving the motor running while draining water from the pool because this can cause damage over time if left unchecked for too long

Unplug the power cord from the wall socket.

  • Unplug the power cord from the wall socket.
  • Remove any debris from around the pool pump, including leaves and other debris that may have collected in or on top of it.

Pool Pump Repairs

Drain water from the pump.

To drain water from the pump, follow these steps:

  • Turn off power to your pool equipment by flipping off breakers or removing fuses.
  • Unplug all cords connected to pumps and filters. If you have an older system with a manual switch, turn it off as well.
  • Find the drain plug on your filter (usually located near its bottom). Remove this plug and allow all remaining water in the filter to drain out into a bucket or other container until only clean sand remains inside; if you're unsure about what type of material is inside, consult manufacturer recommendations before proceeding further!

Remove debris from inside the pump housing.

Now that the pump is clean, it's time to put it away. Before you do, make sure there are no leaves or other debris inside the pump housing. Pool pump repairs Melbourne uses a shop vac, pool brush, and net for this task.


If you follow these steps, your pump will be ready for the next season! We hope this article has been helpful and informative. If you still don’t know how to maintain the pool then reach out to pool pump repairs Melbourne services If there's anything we missed or would like to know more about, please leave us a comment below.

Source: How to Properly Store and Maintain Your Pool Pump During the Off-Season

Dolphin Pools
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