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How To Safely Transport Your TV To A Marrickville Self-Storage Unit?

Holloway Storage
How To Safely Transport Your TV To A Marrickville Self-Storage Unit?

So, you are moving to a new home and planning to store some of your fragile items in the best self-storage in Marrickville? That’s a clever decision. But does one of those breakable items happen to be your TV set? If yes, then you have to be extra careful when packing it. Even the slightest mistake in sealing and positioning your TV can lead to irreversible damage. 

But don’t worry. The following section is here to help!

So, continue reading and learn how to safely pack and transport your TV to a storage facility or your new home!

Avoid Damaging Your TV When Transporting To A Marrickville Self-Storage With These Packing Tips

Before packing your TV, you must gather all the required supplies. You may need

1. The original TV box or a newly bought moving box specifically for TVs,

2. Packing tape and tape gun,

3. Packing labels or a permanent marker,

4. Packing paper, like plastic or bubble wrap, newspaper or other soft materials,

5. Snap or zip lock bags for the small parts of your television, like the remote control.

Prepare Your TV For Packing

Snap some photos of your television before dismantling it and putting it in the cheapest self-storage in Marrickville. It will help you plug it in again when it’s time. After that, do the following things:

1. Unplug all the cables from the TV,

2. Remove the detachable parts, like the stand,

3. Remove dust from the TV,

4. Separate the remote and its batteries and put them in different bags.

Pack The TV For Shipping To A Self-Storage In Marrickville

Here’s how to pack your television in its original packaging:

1. Line the original box with bubble wrap or packing paper,

2. Place the TV flat into the box after evenly distributing the bubble wrap,

3. Put a screen protector, such as soft material or paper,

4. Use styrofoam to protect the corners of the TV,

5. Seal the box with packing tape.

However, if you don’t have the original packaging, buy a TV moving box from your self-storage operator in Marrickville and follow these tips.

1. Cover the entire TV in bubble wrap,

2. Make sure the bubble wrap does not shift,

3. Wrap the corners of the TV with foam wrap or styrofoam,

4. Use packing tape to secure everything,

5. Place the TV in a robust cardboard box that’s a little larger than the television,

6. You can place the box in another sturdy container for extra protection,

7. Fill the empty space with soft material or packing peanuts,

8. Use packing tape to secure the box. 

Remember that plasma TVs have fluorescent backlights, while LED TVs have light-emitting diode backlights. It means LED TVs are more fragile and need extra protection, such as additional wraps or padding.

The Correct Position To Transport Your TV In

Keep your flat TV upright during transporting it to a self-storage in Australia. Place the television in a way that will help maintain the vertical position and prevent damage.

Bottom Line

The safest and cheapest way to transport your TV set to a self-storage in Marrickville is to rent a mobile storage unit. These units come with door-to-door services, which mean they will pick up the TV from your doorstep right into the storage container, eliminating the need for double handling. Besides that, following the above tips will also help you keep the TV set safe during the move.

Holloway Storage
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