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The Best Solar Panel Installation Services in Canberra

The Best Solar Panel Installation Services in Canberra

There’s more to solar panel installation Canberra than just whacking up panels on your roof. The best installers are green-energy experts and will guide you towards a purchase that works for your needs and budget.

It is important to understand your average daily electricity usage across seasons to choose a system of the right size. Also, the orientation of your roof will affect your energy production.

1.       Solarhart

Whether you’re looking to install solar panels or a battery energy storage system in Canberra, the expert team at ECG can help. They’ve been providing residential and commercial clean energy services for over a decade, so you can trust them to make the right recommendations for your home. They’ll also ensure that the installation process is as stress-free as possible, taking care of any permit requirements and conducting a thorough handover so you understand your new system.

ECG uses quality products from brands such as Risen, Sunpower, REC and Q cells, which are known for their performance, durability, and high warranties. They also offer a range of financing options to suit your needs.

The company is an Australian-owned and operated business that employs local teams familiar with the Illawarra community. Its personalised solar assessments are free and include STC discounts that lower the upfront cost of your solar system. It also provides a range of flexible payment plans with zero upfront deposits and interest-free terms.

2.       Reposit Solar

Reposit Solar is a Canberra-based company that offers home and commercial solar system installation. The company uses quality products from reputable manufacturers and provides customers with a complete service. In addition, it offers financing options and is a member of the Clean Energy Council.

The company also offers competitive pricing. Its solar panel systems are subsidized by the government under the Home Energy Support Program, allowing homeowners to save money on electricity bills. ACT residents can also take advantage of the federal feed-in tariff, which is worth 7 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Many households in Canberra are making the switch to renewable energy. With the favourable climate, Canberra is an ideal place to install solar panels and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. A solar power system can help you make significant savings on your energy costs and contribute to a cleaner environment. It is important to choose a reputable installer to ensure that your solar panel installation is done safely and correctly.

3.       Solarhub

Solarhub is one of the best solar installation companies in Canberra. They provide front-line technology and excellent customer service to ensure that their customers are happy with the work done. The company has years of experience in the industry and its employees are CEC certified. It also understands the climate in Canberra and uses this knowledge to make sure that their solar systems perform well.

They offer a wide range of systems, from 6.6kW to 100kW, and claim to analyze a home’s energy usage to determine the size of the system that is most appropriate. They also use the latest smart technology in their batteries to reduce electricity costs.

They have been operating in the ACT and Victoria for more than ten years, and are committed to offering their customers the best possible experience. They are a

Clean Energy Council approved retailer and installer, and they are always seeking fresh ways to help people generate, store, and optimise their power needs.

4.       Ads Solar

Since 2011, Mondiaux Solar has been installing solar energy systems for Canberra homeowners. They are experienced in assessing the best options for your home and

providing personalised systems. Their solar panel installation service is comprehensive and includes a complete system design, panel selection, and placement. They use high-quality brands like Risen and Sunpower, which are backed by long warranty periods. They also offer battery storage options, such as the Alpha ESS 10kW battery, which helps you to become energy self-sufficient and reduce your electricity bills.

A well-designed rooftop solar power system can help ACT households save money on their energy bills from day one. Adding a battery to your solar power system can further increase your savings and allow you to run appliances at night (dishwashers, hot water heaters) or during a blackout. If you have a concession card, you can also get rebates to help pay for your solar energy system. A great solar installer will be up to date on government incentives and can advise you how to take advantage of them.

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