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Hanging Plants: The Latest Trend in Indoor Gardening

The Green Corner
Hanging Plants: The Latest Trend in Indoor Gardening

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the world right now. The positive impact of gardening on individual health and well-being is unbelievable. That’s why the lawn and gardening segment in Singapore amounts to 1.18 billion USD in revenue in 2023. The renewed interest in gardening, indoor gardens and using plants for indoor decoration also fuel the trend of hanging plants. Let's dive into some more details about hanging plants, how to care for them, and how long they last.

Why should I add spillers to my indoor garden?

Nowadays, apartment buildings hardly provide a spacious area for people to nurture an indoor garden. Thus, hanging a few plants using planters can be an excellent idea to use the space. Additionally, the trailing foliage of plants like Pelionia Repens, Ceropegia Woodii etc adds a splash of green to the interiors.

But, if you don’t like spillers or trailing leaves, there are other options. For example, you won't find spilling foliage in hoya plants and Episcia Cupreata. Furthermore, adding house plants to your balcony or living room can gradually lower the temperature. They can also reduce humidity and purify the air in your home.


How do I care for hanging or trailing plants?

You don’t need an arsenal of professional tools and expertise to care for your plant babies. Mindfulness toward watering them and providing adequate sunlight can do wonders for their growth.

●      Mature size - When potting plants, consider the mature size of the plants. The size can help you pick an appropriate planter for them, where it can grow unrestricted. For example, Ceropegia Woodii can grow up to 90 cm in an ideal environment.

●      Watering - Singapore is a tropical country with high humidity. Therefore, overwatering can be a significant challenge for the plants. Check the top half of the soil before watering the plant. If the turf feels dry, then you may water the plant adequately. A thorough watering routine can help you to care for your plants better.

●      Light - Direct sunlight in the Singapore weather can damage plants. So, if you keep your common house plants in the balcony, ensure they are under proper shade so the leaves do not get scorched. On the other hand, plants like Episcia Cupreata and Ceropegia Woodii thrive better indoors.


How long do trailing plants last?

The longevity of any plant depends on your caring practices. If you care for your plants thoroughly and tend to their needs, the hanging plants can survive up to three to five years. For example, hoya plants have hundreds of species and can last up to 30 years with proper care. On the other hand, Episcia Cupreata can last up to five years and more if you re-pot the plant carefully once a year.


Where can I find the best hanging plants in Singapore?

Finding the best nurseries for hanging plants is not difficult, especially in Singapore. Being the City of Gardens, you can find many hanging or trailing plants online in Singapore. The nurseries can help you to find the best plants for your home and care for them. Many online nurseries also have physical stores where you can handpick the plants you want.


In Summation

Nowadays, you can find common house plants hung from the ceiling using aesthetic planters in both commercial and private spaces. Discover the beauty of hanging plants today and add them to your indoor garden!

The Green Corner
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