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The science behind hair conditioning. How does it work?

Lakme Salon

Hair conditioning is an essential part of the hair care routine that helps to keep hair healthy, hydrated and shiny. It nourishes the hair with moisture and nutrients that penetrate the hair shaft and strengthen the hair from within. This article will explore the science behind hair conditioning and how it works.

What is Hair Conditioning?

Hair conditioning is applying a product to the hair to improve its texture, manageability and overall appearance. Hair conditioners come in various forms, including rinse-out, leave-in, deep conditioners, and hair masks. They are formulated to provide different conditioning levels depending on the hair type and condition.

How Does Hair Conditioning Work?

Hair conditioning restores the moisture and nutrients lost due to daily wear and tear. It also helps to repair the hair from within, strengthening it and preventing breakage. Here is how hair conditioning works with De Fabulous Conditioner:

  • Penetration of the Hair Shaft: Hair conditioners contain active ingredients that can penetrate the hair shaft, such as proteins, amino acids, and lipids. These ingredients bind to the hair cuticle and penetrate the cortex, where they help to repair the hair structure from within.
  • Smoothens the Hair Cuticle: The hair cuticle is the outermost layer of the hair shaft. It consists of overlapping scales that protect the hair from damage. When the hair cuticle is lifted, the hair becomes frizzy, dull and prone to breakage. Hair conditioners contain ingredients that smoothen the cuticle, making it lie flat and reflect light, giving the hair a shiny and healthy appearance.
  • Balances Moisture Levels: Dry hair is prone to breakage, split ends and dullness. Hair conditioners help to balance the moisture levels in the hair, preventing it from becoming too dry or too oily. They also help to retain moisture, preventing the hair from becoming dehydrated.
  • Adds Nutrients to the Hair: Hair conditioners contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that nourish the hair and promote healthy growth. The hair shaft absorbs these nutrients and helps to strengthen it from within.

Types of Hair Conditioners

There are various types of hair conditioners available in the market. Each type is formulated to provide a different level of conditioning depending on the hair type and condition. Here are some of the most common types of hair conditioners:

  • Rinse-out Conditioners: Rinse-out conditioners are the most common type of hair conditioner. They are used after shampooing to provide instant conditioning to the hair. Rinse-out conditioners are formulated to provide different conditioning levels depending on the hair type and condition.
  • Leave-in Conditioners: Leave-in conditioners are applied to the hair after shampooing and not rinsed. They provide a deeper level of conditioning to the hair, helping to keep it hydrated and nourished throughout the day.
  • Deep Conditioners: Deep conditioners are designed to provide intense conditioning to the hair. They are usually left on the hair longer, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate the hair shaft and repair it from within.
  • Hair Masks: Hair masks are similar to deep conditioners, but they are formulated to provide even deeper conditioning to the hair. They are usually left on the hair longer, such as overnight, to allow the active ingredients to work their magic.


Just like your hair, your skin needs conditioning too. And by that, we are talking about moisturisers. Dermalogica offers a range of moisturizers designed to nourish and hydrate the skin while addressing specific concerns. These moisturizers are formulated with high-quality ingredients and backed by advanced skincare research. Whether you have dry, oily, sensitive, or ageing skin, Dermalogica's moisturizers aim to provide optimal hydration and promote a healthy complexion.

Dermalogica moisturizers are tailored to meet different skin needs. For those with dry or dehydrated skin, their moisturizers offer deep hydration and help restore the skin's moisture barrier. These formulations often include ingredients like hyaluronic acid, essential oils, and botanical extracts to replenish moisture and improve skin texture.

If you have oily or acne-prone skin, Dermalogica offers lightweight, oil-free moisturizers that provide hydration without clogging pores. These moisturizers typically contain mattifying agents and ingredients that help regulate oil production, keeping the skin balanced and shine-free.

Overall, Dermalogica's moisturizers are designed to deliver effective hydration and address specific skin concerns. Whether you're looking to replenish moisture, control oiliness, soothe sensitivity or combat signs of ageing, their range of moisturizers aims to provide targeted solutions for a healthier and more radiant complexion.


Hair conditioning is an essential part of the hair care routine that helps to keep hair healthy, hydrated and shiny. It works by restoring the moisture and nutrients lost due to daily wear and tear, repairing the hair from within and strengthening it to prevent breakage. There are various types of hair conditioners available, each formulated to provide a different level of conditioning depending on the hair type and condition.

Lakme Salon
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