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The Benefits of Choosing an NDIS Plan Management Provider


There are several benefits to choosing a plan management provider. Whether you are self-managing all or part of your NDIS plan, they can help you manage your funds and find providers for your supports and services.

You can have a plan management service included in your NDIS plan by asking for it at your planning meeting. The NDIS will allocate funding for a plan manager under Improved Life Choices, which is separate from other NDIS costs in your budget.


As part of the NDIS participants have a choice to be self-managed, agency managed or plan managed. If you choose to be plan managed you have a partner to help you with the finances and admin of your NDIS funding, including paying providers, tracking spend and completing financial reporting that the NDIA requires.

NDIS plan management provider are paid out of your NDIS funding and this is separate to the funds allocated to your supports and services. This means you can still choose any provider you like and even ones that are not NDIS registered, if they are a good fit and necessary for achieving your goals.

If you want to have a plan management provider included in your NDIS, you can request this at your planning meeting. Just tell the NDIA staff you would like to use a plan manager and they can include this in your plan, at no cost to you. The plan manager will pay your invoices, track your budget and provide monthly statements to keep you on track.


NDIS plan management providers offer participants a level of autonomy not available from using agencies. With an agency, participants’ lives can be dominated by tendering processes to find a provider, and paperwork that must be submitted to NDIA.

This can leave little time for a participant to spend on their own goals. With a plan manager, this is not an issue. A plan manager is responsible for paying invoices from NDIS registered service providers, and for providing information to help manage the budget, such as monthly spending statements.

A plan management provider is also responsible for ensuring that NDIS guidelines are followed. This includes ensuring that a participant’s budget does not exceed the limit set by their service agreement with providers. This can be a complex process that requires professional expertise. A plan manager can take the stress out of managing a budget, allowing participants to focus on achieving their goals. For this reason, a plan management provider is often a worthwhile investment.


When you have a registered plan management provider, they take care of every aspect of your budget and offer consistent and effective support. This can make a big difference in making the most of your plan, so it’s important to find one you trust. Your LAC or Support Coordinator may be able to give you suggestions of local Plan Managers or you can visit the NDIS participant portal.

Plan management providers will manage all the financial transactions, paperwork and compliance with NDIS rules around what is reasonable and necessary. They also pay invoices from service providers and provide you with information about your spending, such as monthly spending statements. If you are interested in getting a plan manager, talk to your LAC or Support Coordinator about it at your planning meeting. If you’re eligible, the NDIA will include funding for it in your plan under Improved Life Choices. It won’t reduce other supports and services in your plan.


A good plan manager will keep you updated on the status of your funds, pay invoices promptly, and respond to any questions or concerns you may have. Wordof-mouth recommendations and online reviews can be helpful in identifying plan managers who offer these qualities.

Depending on your needs, you can also choose to be self-managed or agencymanaged. You can discuss this with your local area coordinator or the NDIS, who will assist you in completing the paperwork to change your management arrangements.

Choosing a plan management provider can be a complicated process, but it’s worth the effort to ensure your needs are met. It can help you save time and energy, and give you more peace of mind. It’s also worth noting that plan management is funded separately in your NDIS budget, so it won’t affect the amount you can spend on other supports.

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