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Decoding Keyword Types: A Comprehensive Guide - Digital Marketing Institute In India - NIDM INIDA

Decoding Keyword Types: A Comprehensive Guide - Digital Marketing Institute In India - NIDM INIDA


The foundation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), keywords are essential for directing relevant organic traffic to websites. But not every keyword is made equal. We shall examine the major keyword categories and their importance in SEO techniques in this article. By distinguishing between various term kinds, organizations may develop a comprehensive keyword strategy that supports their objectives, improves search engine ranks, and generates targeted traffic.

1. Broad Keywords 

Broad keywords, sometimes referred to as generic keywords, are brief, all-purpose search terms that cover a variety of subjects. These keywords can draw in a sizable audience and have significant search volumes. However, due to fierce competition, ranking for wide keywords can be difficult. Even though broad keywords can drive a lot of traffic, it's crucial to keep in mind that the audience may be less focused, which could lead to lower conversion rates.

2. Long-tail keywords 

Longer, more precise keywords that speak to a certain specialized market. These keywords are more valuable for directing tailored visitors despite having lower search numbers than broad keywords. Long-tail keywords frequently reflect the unique queries of people looking for particular goods, services, or information and are more intent-specific to user intent. Due to their relevance and specificity, long-tail keywords might lead to greater conversion rates.

3. Keywords with a Commercial Intent 

Keywords with a commercial aim, sometimes referred to as transactional keywords, show that the searcher is prepared to make a purchase or conduct a transaction. They frequently contain words like "buy," "price," "discount," or particular brand names. In order to increase sales and conversions, firms must target keywords with a commercial objective. Businesses can draw in highly motivated customers who are actively looking to buy by ranking for these phrases.

4. Informational Keywords

People who are searching for knowledge, solutions, or answers utilize informational keywords. Frequently used with these keywords are expressions like "how to," "guide," "tips," and "best practises." Businesses can develop thought leadership, increase brand recognition, and draw in prospective buyers who are still conducting research by ranking for informational keywords. Although these keywords might not result in immediate sales, they help a company become more visible and credible in general.

5. Local keywords 

Local keywords, which are geographically specific, are essential for firms aiming to reach nearby customers. Location-specific terms like city names, neighbourhood names, or "near me" expressions are frequently used in these keywords. Brick-and-mortar businesses that want to increase their local foot traffic and draw in customers must rank for local keywords. Local search visibility, local company connections, and an increase in the likelihood of showing up in results for location-based searches are all facilitated by the use of local keywords.

6. Competitive Keywords

Competitive keywords are highly sought-after search queries for which websites compete fiercely to rank. Due to the existing authority and competition from other websites, it is frequently difficult to rank for these keywords. Ranking for competitive keywords can generate a lot of traffic, but it takes consistent work, including producing high-quality content, constructing backlinks, and employing tactical SEO techniques. It's crucial to carry out in-depth keyword research and take into account a combination of long-tail and less competitive keywords in addition to targeting highly competitive ones.


For the purpose of reaching the intended market, enhancing search engine rankings, and generating targeted traffic, it is essential to incorporate a variety of keyword categories into an SEO strategy. Broad keywords, long-tail keywords, commercial intent keywords, informational keywords, local keywords, and competitive keywords are all distinct from one another. By knowing these differences, organizations can create a keyword strategy that is strong, matches with their goals, and increases their online exposure.

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