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Golden Rules on Choosing the Best Day 1 CPT Universities

Golden Rules on Choosing the Best Day 1 CPT Universities

If you are already familiar with Day 1 CPT and its benefits, the next challenge is choosing a university that can meet your needs. There’s a handful of accredited and trustworthy Day 1 CPT universities in various states, including California, Florida, New Jersey, Arizona, Texas, and Pennsylvania. Which one is the best choice for you? Check out these rules to eliminate the guesswork of choosing a Day 1 CPT university.


Rule #1: Know your OPT’s expiration date


If you currently have an Optional Practical Training (OPT) visa, it's important to track its expiration date to strategically plan your enrollment for the upcoming semester in a Day 1 CPT university. Essentially, you can pick a school before your OPT expires or choose one that is almost open for enrollment. Weigh the options by considering these points:

• Enroll in a university before the OPT expiration date - If you want to go down this route, make sure that your OPT is expiring and that your status can switch to CPT, so you can proceed with your internship without leaving gaps in your work authorization. However, you could lose at least a week of OPT time.


• Enroll in a university after the OPT expiration date

If you choose a university whose enrollment window falls after your OPT's expiration, you may encounter a period during which you cannot work legally. However, your employers might allow you to use your annual leave or provide a leave of absence, permitting you to resume your payroll after receiving your CPT I-20.



Rule #2: Location matters


Look for Day 1 CPT universities near you. With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, numerous universities are reopening their campuses and enforcing higher in-person attendance rules. If you are currently employed, bear in mind that commuting to and from campus can incur significant costs and time commitments.



Rule #3: Check for scholarships



Worried about your tuition and living expenses? Consider Day 1 CPT universities offering scholarships to international students.



Rule #4: Make sure it’s accredited



Are you worried about receiving an RFE or Request for Evidence? Ensure that the institution has credentials from reputable organizations such as the Higher Learning Commission, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, or the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.



Rule #5: Pick your program wisely



·      Going for a second master’s degree? Avoid a Day 1 CPT course too similar to the previous one.

·      Make sure the course is closely related to your job description or internship.

·      Aim higher! If you have already completed one or two master’s degrees, go for a doctoral program this time.


Rule #6: When in doubt, get help



If you’re still unsure which university to choose, you can always consult the experts at CPTDog. They will evaluate your needs and help narrow the options in Day 1 CPT universities.




About The Company

CPTDog is an education consultancy based in Southern California, USA. We are the official partner of many US higher education institutions. Many university programs we work with specifically provide international students with Day 1 CPT, a type of work authorization that allows international students to work full-time during the duration of their Master's, Certificate, or Doctorate program. Our mission is to help those not selected for H1B or with an expired OPT legally study and work in the US.




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