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Worsening Your Oral Health: 14 Bad Habits

Muhamma Osama
Worsening Your Oral Health: 14 Bad Habits

Did you know that there are some habits that can really damage your teeth? It's true! Let's talk about some of them.

#1. Use of Teeth as an Opener

Dentists discourage the time-saving habit of using teeth to pry open plastic containers or bottle caps. Using your teeth as tools is dangerous and might lead to tooth loss.

Instead, stock up on a pair of scissors and a can opener. In the end, your teeth are only good for eating, so don't use them for anything else.

#2. Playing Without a Protective Mouth Guard

Wearing a mouth guard is a must for players of football, hockey, and any other contact sport. This plastic shield, which fits over your top teeth, might prevent damage to your dental enamel. If things go rough, you won't have anything to gnaw on. A dentist may make you a mouth guard specifically for your teeth, or you can buy one and mold it yourself.

#3. Sleep Aid Bottles

It's never too early to start taking care of your teeth. It's possible to harm a baby's teeth by letting them go to sleep with a bottle of milk, juice, or formula. Babies sometimes develop the habit of sleeping with their bottles in their mouths, which may give their teeth a sugary overnight bath. Baby's cradle is no place for bottles.

#4. Gnawing on Frosty Treats

Ice looks like a safe bet since it is natural and has no sugar. However, you may seriously harm your teeth by nibbling on ice cubes. Unconsciously irritating the pulp of a tooth while chewing might lead to persistent pain. Pain in a tooth might come on quickly or build up over time if you consume something excessively hot or cold. If you find yourself craving ice, try chewing sugar-free gum instead.

#5. Teeth Grinding

Teeth wear down over time through bruxism, often known as teeth grinding. Emotional stress and poor sleep hygiene are common precipitating factors. This is why there is so much chaos to contend with.

You may decrease the pain and potential damage by avoiding difficult foods throughout the day. If you grind your teeth at night, a mouth guard worn while sleeping might prevent damage to your teeth.

#6. Aspirin for the Cough

Unfortunately, not all pharmacy-bought cough syrups are suitable for use by children. The sugar content is usually rather high. After sucking on a lozenge to soothe your sore throat, make sure you give your teeth a good cleaning. All much sugar in cough drops and hard candies is just asking for trouble with your dental plaque. Plaque bacteria convert the sugar into an acid that wears away tooth enamel.

#7. Fresh Juice

The vitamins and antioxidants in fruit juice are good for you, but the high sugar content makes it less than optimal. It's possible that certain juices contain more sugar than soda. There are just 10 additional grams of sugar in an orange drink compared to orange juice.

Fruits have a sweet flavor on their own, so it's better to choose sugar-free fruit juice. Juice contains a lot of sugar, but you may lower the concentration by mixing it with water.

#8. Incessant Munching

The reduction in saliva production in the hours between meals makes it more difficult to remove food debris from between the teeth. Carrot sticks, which are low in sugar and carbs, are a good choice if you feel the need to snack.

#9. French Fries

It's possible that bacteria in plaque use carbohydrates to make acid. The acid from this meal may continue to erode your teeth for up to 20 minutes if food gets stuck between your teeth or if you like to nibble. It's a good idea to floss after eating potato chips or anything else sticky, like bread.

#10. Soda

Candies aren't the only foods that sneak sugar into your diet. There might be as much as 11 teaspoons of sugar in a can of Coke. The phosphoric and citric acids found in sodas are especially hard on teeth.

Diet sodas are a great way to cut down on sugar, but they may still have a lot of acid even if they use artificial sweeteners.

#11. Pierced Tongues

The metal stud in a fashionable tongue piercing might cause tooth damage if you bite down on it. The same is true with lip piercings. Furthermore, metal's irritating effects on the gums might lead to damage that could ultimately result in the loss of teeth.

A mouth piercing increases your risk of infection and ulceration owing to the large number of bacteria in your mouth. An additional danger of getting your tongue pierced is accidentally slicing through a major blood artery. It's wise to talk to your dentist beforehand since there might be health consequences.

#12. Energy Drinks

The refreshing benefits of a cold sports drink after a workout are undeniable. However, these drinks often include a lot of sugar. Sports drinks are just as bad for your teeth as soda and candy because of all the sugar they contain. They may contribute to tooth decay if consumed often.

The greatest way to stay hydrated while exercising is not to consume sugary, calorie-rich sports drinks.

#13. Consuming Coffee

Coffee's dark color and acidity may cause tooth discoloration over time. Fortunately, there are a number of tooth-whitening methods that may effectively address this issue. See a dental clinic in Dubai if you are self-conscious about your teeth's shade.

#14. Chewy Sweets

Some sweets are more unpleasant than others, yet it's true that all sugary meals and beverages are terrible for teeth. Gummies are bad for your teeth since their sugar and acids linger on your enamel for a long period.

Gummies might be a great addition to meals if you feel that your day just isn't complete without them. When you eat, your saliva production goes up, which is good since it helps to neutralize acids and clean your teeth of any lingering sugars.

There are several dental clinics in Dubai that provide a wide range of dental services. Visit a dental clinic in Dubai if you're a local and suffer from any of the aforementioned conditions.

Muhamma Osama
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