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Leh Bike Trip Package: Permits And Documentation Requirements

Alex Sinha
Leh Bike Trip Package: Permits And Documentation Requirements

Ladakh Calling: Bike Ride to the Himalayan Wonder


The Leh bike trip package is a chance for you to enjoy your trip across the Himalayas. The trip takes you through the scenic trails of Leh and Ladakh creating memories that will last for a lifetime.

Permits & Documentation Required

The bike trip to Leh Ladakh, India, required some permits and documentation due to the region’s sensitive border areas. Please note that regulations may change over time, so it is essential to verify the current requirements before planning your trip.

Here are the typical permits and documentation needed for a Leh bike trip:

Bike trip to leh ladakh

  1. Inner Line Permit (ILP): All foreign tourists are required to obtain an Inner Line Permit to visit certain restricted areas in Ladakh, including Nubra Valley, Pangong Lake, and Tso Moriri. Indian citizens do not need an ILP for these regions.
  2. Protected Area Permit (PAP): Indian tourists visiting certain areas like Batalik, Dah Hanu, and certain parts of Nubra Valley are required to obtain a Protected Area Permit.
  3. Vehicle Documentation: If you are bringing your own bike, you need to carry all the necessary documentation related to the vehicle. This includes vehicle registration, insurance papers, a pollution certificate, and a valid driving license.
  4. Identification Documents: All travellers, whether Indian or foreign, need to carry their valid identification documents, such as a passport, voter ID card, or Aadhar card (for Indian citizens).
  5. Passport-size Photographs: Keep some passport-size photographs handy, as they might be required for permit applications.
  6. Self-Declaration Forms: In some cases, you might need to submit self-declaration forms stating the purpose of your visit and the places you intend to visit.
  7. Photocopies: Make multiple photocopies of all your essential documents, including permits, identification, and vehicle documents. It’s always wise to keep both physical and digital copies.

leh ladhak bike tour

It’s important to note that obtaining permits for certain areas may require you to apply through designated authorities in Leh, such as the DC Office or the Tourism Office. For other regions, like Pangong Tso, permits can be arranged through tour operators.

Other Information and Precautions

Before you start your journey, ensure that you are well-informed about the latest regulations and requirements. It is also recommended to check with a local tour operator or travel agency for assistance in obtaining the necessary permits. Additionally, always prioritize safety during your Leh Ladakh bike tour and be prepared for the challenging terrains and high altitudes of Ladakh.

Sightseeing In Leh Ladakh

Sightseeing options during the bike ride Leh Ladakh include popular tourist destinations in Ladakh, such as Pangong Lake, Nubra Valley, Magnetic Hill, Shanti Stupa, Leh Palace, and monasteries like Hemis, Thiksey, and Diskit.

leh bike trip package


The Ladakh bike ride is an opportunity for you to enjoy your time with your friends or even solo. The tour offers a variety of options for sightseeing and other fun activities. Go on the bike trip and have the tour of your life!

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Alex Sinha
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