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Ethical Excellence at EURO CUP 2024 Supporting Fair Supply Chains

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Ethical Excellence at EURO CUP 2024 Supporting Fair Supply Chains

Ethical Excellence at EURO CUP 2024 Supporting Fair Supply Chains

EURO CUP 2024, is scheduled to kick off in June next year in Germany. Is wholeheartedly committed to corporate responsibility in its supply chains. As the hosts prepare for this grand celebration of football. They are determined to establish new benchmarks for social, environmental, and economic sustainability in major sports events. Embodying the spirit of unity and togetherness.

Get ready for Euro Cup 2024. Your Euro CUP 2024 tickets exclusively at www.eticketing.co and be part of the action as top European teams battle for glory. Don't miss this chance to witness unforgettable moments and electrifying matches in Germany.

The tournament's government motto, 'Heimspiel für Europa' ('Home match for Europe'), and its slogan, 'United by football. Vereint im Herzen Europas,' reflect the shared passion and collective enthusiasm that will shape this extraordinary sporting spectacle. The organizers of EURO 2024 CUP are fully aware of their role in setting an example for future sporting events. Not only in terms of competition on the field.

But also, in contributing positively to society, the environment, and the economy. The theme of corporate responsibility permeates every aspect of the tournament, from infrastructure development to logistics and supply chain management, by prioritizing sustainable practices and environmentally friendly measures.

they aim to leave a legacy that goes beyond the confines of the football pitch. With 'Heimspiel für Europa' as their guiding principle, the German government, the national football association (DFB), and UEFA have joined hands to ensure that this EURO edition will be a model of cooperation, holistic planning, and long-term sustainability.

Responsibility In EURO CUP 2024 Supply Chains

By integrating sustainability into the core DNA of the tournament. EURO CUP 2024 is set to redefine the concept of major sporting events, demonstrating how football can drive positive change and unite people from all walks of life. As the countdown to EURO 2024 begins. anticipation grows for a tournament that promises not only thrilling football action. But also, has a profound impact on football culture, society, and the environment. United by their love for the beautiful game.

EUROPE will come together at the heart of Germany to witness a historic event that inspires generations and leaves a legacy of responsible, sustainable sportsmanship for years to come. During the UEFA Respect Forum held in Frankfurt, the significance of corporate responsibility in supply chains was emphasized as a crucial aspect of UEFA EURO 2024's sustainability concept.

Spearheaded by the German Football Association (DFB). The event provided an opportunity for the tournament director and former captain of the 2014 world champions, Philipp Lahm, to shed light on the practical implementation of this ambitious vision, with a strong focus on social, environmental, and economic sustainability. UEFA EURO CUP 2024 is determined to set new standards for major sporting events. For more about England EURO Cup Tickets.

The commitment to corporate responsibility in supply chains is integral to achieving these goals. By ensuring that all stakeholders involved in the tournament adhere to responsible and ethical practices, the organizers aim to create a positive and lasting impact on society and the environment. Philipp Lahm's involvement in the UEFA Respect Forum demonstrates the collective effort to make the EURO 2024 Cup a trailblazing event that leaves a legacy of responsible sportsmanship and sustainable practices.

A positive aspect of international sports tournaments

As the tournament draws nearer. The German Football Association and UEFA continue to work hand in hand. Promoting cooperation, transparency, and accountability throughout the supply chain to make UEFA EURO Cup 2024. A shining example of how football can drive positive change and unite people across the globe.

“UEFA EURO 2024 is poised to become a pivotal moment in the realm of international sports tournaments, placing a strong emphasis on solidarity and responsible, socially, and environmentally sustainable practices,” emphasized Philipp Lahm.

In the pursuit of fair play, we firmly believe that the principles of human rights and environmental preservation must be upheld. Ensuring a promising future for our planet. To demonstrate our commitment. We willingly embrace the principles outlined in the German supply chain act and actively fulfil our due diligence obligations. For more about EURO CUP 2024 Qualifiers, Unveiling Results and Upcoming Fixtures so far.

Moreover, I am thrilled to announce, in collaboration with the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. We are now accepting applications for approximately 500 on-site positions within the EURO stadiums, by offering these highly attractive jobs. EURO 2024 Cup aims to create substantial value for Germany as gracious hosts, contributing to the country's growth and development.

As we prepare for the tournament, UEFA EURO 2024 remains dedicated to leaving a positive impact on society. Fostering solidarity, and prioritizing sustainability across all facets of the event. By exemplifying responsible and ethical practices. We seek to inspire future sports competitions to follow in our footsteps, fostering a legacy of positive change within the sporting community and beyond.

EURO CUP 2024 TICKETS: Fair football is the most enjoyable

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS). Renowned for its advocacy of equitable supply chains on a global scale. Stands firmly behind the UEFA EURO Cup 2024 tournament hosts. Providing active support in their endeavours. Last autumn, a collaborative workshop was organized to forge a sustainable supply chain roadmap for the upcoming tournament, and since then. The ministry has been wholeheartedly assisting the tournament organizers in translating this vision into action.

Fair play and respect are fundamental values of football, emphasized Hubertus Heil, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. These principles extend beyond the 22 players on the pitch and encompass all the individuals worldwide working towards the success of this tournament. Embracing fair supply chains is a pivotal aspect of a sustainable European Championship 2024.

The dedication demonstrated by the hosts sends a vital message from Germany to Europe and the rest of the world. Concurrently, we are actively collaborating on an effective supply chain law at the EU level. In essence, fair football embodies the true essence of enjoyment. As a testament to their commitment, EURO 2024 GmbH has already initiated a comprehensive human rights risk analysis for UEFA EURO 2024, collaborating with the host cities and the German government.

This pivotal step aims to integrate practical supply chain management while adhering to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The insights garnered from this analysis will serve as the foundation for a policy statement and the development of preventive measures. Ensuring a responsible and respectful approach to supply chain practices throughout the tournament.

Human Rights Risk Analysis Of Euro Cup 2024

EURO 2024 GmbH has taken proactive measures to ensure a thorough human rights risk analysis of UEFA EURO CUP 2024. Working closely with the host cities and the German government. This critical step exemplifies their commitment to implementing practical supply chain management. Emphasizing the significance of ethical considerations in every aspect of the tournament.

The outcomes of this human rights risk analysis are intended to lay the groundwork for a comprehensive policy statement that aligns with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. By adhering to these principles. EURO 2024 CUP aims to uphold human dignity, promote fair treatment, and safeguard the rights and well-being of all individuals involved in the event. Including workers, volunteers, and participants.

Additionally, the analysis will aid in the development of preventive measures, ensuring that potential risks are identified and addressed proactively. EURO 2024 GmbH is dedicated to creating an environment that fosters respect. Inclusivity, and social responsibility, leave a legacy that extends beyond the confines of the tournament and sets new benchmarks for responsible and sustainable sports events. 

Get ready for Euro Cup 2024. Your Euro CUP 2024 tickets are exclusively at eticketing. co and be part of the action as top European teams battle for glory. Don't miss this chance to witness unforgettable moments and electrifying matches in Germany.

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