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What are the Benefits of Disposable Nitrile Gloves?

PharmPak Pty Ltd
What are the Benefits of Disposable Nitrile Gloves?

Disposable gloves are widely used across various industries, but it's important to understand that different types of gloves are available. Making the right choice can significantly impact your operations and overall safety. Nitrile gloves are often the best choice for the foodservice and healthcare industries.


Nitrile gloves are disposable personal protective equipment (PPE) made of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber, a 100% synthetic rubber with excellent chemical resistance. Originally designed for the aeronautical industry, nitrile was the primary material of choice for grommets, O-rings, and seals in fuel handling equipment, including tanks and hoses. Today, it is a preferred material for disposable gloves worn for handling chemicals, bodily fluids, acids, and oils because it does not degrade as fast as latex.



Why nitrile?


For years, nitrile gloves were considered more expensive than latex due to their manufacturing process. But as technology improved, nitrile gloves became the choice of disposable glove that is the least expensive and more efficient in many applications. Plus, the material’s allergy rate is lesser than latex.



Below are more benefits of using disposable nitrile gloves:



·      Reliable protection from pathogens

Nitrile gloves may lack the flexibility and dexterity of natural rubber and latex gloves, but they are three to five times more puncture-resistant. That means you can wear them for extended periods without worrying about tearing. For this reason, they are common in healthcare and medical environments, specifically in areas likely to have blood-borne pathogens.



·      Comfortable to wear

In addition to being highly puncture- and chemical-resistant, disposable nitrile gloves offer a comfortable fit while being safe to wear by people with latex allergies. That said, some people with Type IV hypersensitivity reactions may react to the powder and accelerators in generic nitrile gloves. So, choose accelerator-free and powder-free nitrile gloves when buying disposable PPE.



·      Suitable for trade industries

Disposable nitrile gloves are colour-coded to indicate where they can be used. Mechanics choose black, which is more chemical-resistant, robust, and dexterous for their needs.



·      Recyclable

Are you taking steps to go green? Nitrile gloves are among the disposable products you can recycle in Australia. Just be sure to deposit them in a recognisable recycling bin.



Ready to buy disposable nitrile gloves?


Find the best range of disposable nitrile gloves at PharmPak. The top PPE supplier offers a wide range of disposable gloves at competitive prices. Buy in bulk to save more, and get free shipping on orders over $99.



About the author:


PharmPak is a trusted supplier of high-quality disposable gloves, sticky labels, personal protective equipment (PPE), and other hygiene products. They offer a wide selection of products to meet the needs of customers in both residential and commercial settings, including hospitals, laboratories, and other industries. Their products are designed with top-quality materials to ensure durability, comfort, and optimal protection against hazards, whether it's spills, splatters, or other dangers. They take pride in our commitment to providing exceptional customer service and high-quality products, and they strive to make the ordering process as easy and efficient as possible.

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